Wednesday, 27 December 2006

Richard Tomlinson and the Russians.

1. 1979 - Powergen, Solihull:

The young British Intelligence recruits entering this building, had no idea of the hell that lay before them. No idea that they would be forced to become slaves to a demonic, mind control program; run by MI6 and sanctioned by Royal Arch Freemasonry. No idea that they would be forced to sign the Masonic 'Sat B'hai' contract and swear allegiance to the Monarchy rather than to the UK State. No idea at all, in fact.

The Powergen building was mostly unoccupied in 1979. Only a few Powergen employees worked in the building, which was almost deserted. The car park was nearly empty for the whole of that year. The third floor was reserved for 'Special Government Projects' and no Powergen employee was allowed entry.

To outsiders, the young people who entered this building each day, looked like a relatively normal, young bunch of Powergen graduate recruits and so nothing out of the usual.

At 21 years old, Richard Tomlinson was one of the graduate intake onto this course - most of the recruits were aged between 18 and 21 years old. Tomlinson was to begin his training here, to become an MI6 Officer later on, in his military career. The others were being trained to be run as agents of the 'Crown'.

It was at Powergen in 1979, that Richard Tomlinson was first shown a passport photograph of Vladimir Putin.

Rimington, Manningham-Buller and Scarlett showed the graduate trainees and each Delta (espionage and assassination) team, a selection of four b/w passport photos. The recruits were informed that the four KGB men in the photos were:

'Your counterparts in the KGB'.

The recruits were under the impression that these young, Russian KGB agents were supposed to be the 'enemy' or 'rivals' despite Manningham-Buller's 'communist' training i.e. during her Russian and Political History classes.

What was 'real' communism, according to Manningham-Buller?

It began with 'Guardianship' by those who were 'born to rule'. They were the self-elected custodians of British society who could decide what was in their people's best interests.

To summarise: a benevolent dictatorship.

This was personified by Manningham-Buller demanding that each of her classes stand to attention and do a Nazi salute as she walked in the door, before she would begin the lesson.

Important note: the b/w passport photographs had been supplied by one of Oleg Gordievsky's contacts. Gordievsky was a Royal Arch Freemason and one of the Russian Chapter. He had negotiated photographs of the new Royal Arch Freemasonry recruits, within the KGB - to be sent to MI5.

2. 1980: Russian Monastery Compound, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem.

Vladimir Putin and the other KGB Royal Arch Freemasons, stayed within this high-security compound. It was run as a nunnery (it still is today) but is generally known by the Russian Orthodox church to be a 'spy-centre', and is currently being run by an ex-FSB Head.

The British Intelligence recruits mainly stayed at the 'Youth Hostel' behind the St John Church in the centre of Ein Kerem. It is located partly up the mountain which overshadows the town and it backs onto a pine forest.

Even today, there are still 'guard dog' signs and barbed wire everywhere, around this building and locals say that it is not possible to book as an ordinary tourist. It was reserved for 'special groups' of young people, internationally in 1979 and has been for many years. Recently, the whole building has changed hands and is now being renovated into flats, in order to be sold off. How times have changed.

Beside the main building of the youth hostel, there are two hexagonal buildings - architecturally, rather like geometric mushrooms. This is where the British graduate trainees were lodged: Richard Tomlinson, Andrew Marr and Stephen Daldry.

In the evenings, the 'graduates' would sit on the verandah of these buildings with their KGB Russian counterparts; to smoke, drink vodka and shoot the breeze. None of them could hold a conversation in Russian apart from Tomlinson, who did his best to act as interpreter for the whole group.

Together, they looked like ingenues, trying desperately to live up to their programming as 'Illuminists' i.e. their predecessors - the colonials of the 'enlightenment' period who had ruled the world by their supposed, innate superiority and worldliness.

This was to be the very first meeting of many, between Richard Tomlinson and Vladimir Putin. The latter was quite a few years his senior at 26/7 years old but much younger looking.

3. 1993 - Poland

Vladimir Putin had lost his job as KGB controller of the Stasi in East Berlin. There was a famine in St Petersburg and the KGB owed their employees several months of salaries. Whole families were starving in the cities (foodstuffs had been held up in the ports) and Vladimir Putin's own family was no exception to this rule.

John Scarlett (MI6 Moscow Station) made a deal with Mr Putin in Poland. They knew each other relatively well (dating back to 1979 in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem) and both were Royal Arch Freemasons.

Poland had become a trading ground for potential Russian dissidents, to sell whatever they could lay their hands on, to the West. Almost every intelligence agency had descended upon Poland to buy whatever they needed and the amount of wheeler-dealing and double-dealing which was going on, had reached fever pitch. It was almost laughable.

No one really knew who was working for which agency or which agency was allied to whom, in what turned out to be a 'smash and grab' bun fight. One could name MI5, MI6, the CIA and the IRA as but a few in this free-for-all; the desperate dash to acquire information, drugs, guns - you name it. Just about every intelligence agency and mafia organisation was in on the game. Everything was on sale.

What was the deal that Scarlett struck with Putin?

Putin needed safe passage for himself and his family out of a situation in St Petersburg which was rapidly deteriorating. Scarlett had agreed to set up a new identity for him in the UK as a teacher of German (Putin had native-speaker fluency) in exchange for...well, this bit is unclear. Scarlett already had all of the information that he needed from Mr Putin, on the Royal Arch Freemasonry network. However, he agreed to take Mr Putin and his eldest daughter back to the UK and rescue his wife and younger daughter at a later date.

Scarlett was to renege on this deal. Why? MI5 (for reasons of their own) had decided to torture and then murder Mr Putin as soon as he set foot on British soil. He was dispensible. They had most of the information that they needed and were not going to honour any deal.

The upshot of all of this, was that when Mr Putin learnt of British Intelligence's real agenda, he called the deal off and returned to Russia.

So far, so simple, except that there was one complicating factor: Royal Arch Freemasonry.

Mr Putin had been part of the Russian Chapter and he had been sorely let down by his British counterparts. In addition, he had been under MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry Illuminati mind control since 1979 and had been one of their operatives within the KGB until 1994.

Why 1994?

Because this was the year when MI6/Illuminati laptops began to disappear in Europe. Mr Putin was beginning to work it all out and as a consequence, was tracking down the MI6 Senior Officers who held the colour-coded information of the tailored mind control programmes for their officers and agents, within their laptops (electronic locks that weren't supposed to be unlockable but were in fact, quite easy to crack by the KGB). Once the codes are broken, it is relatively simple to control any of the operatives listed (as well as guess how to control others who were 'indoctrinated' in a similar way) and then to turn them against their 'masters'.

See for details of the 'typewriter' code at the old, British prison in Jerusalem: it accounts for 10 different branches of Royal Arch Freemasonry-infiltrated British Intelligence departments since 1945. The KGB Royal Arch Freemasons were one of these departments, in this tarantula-like Masonic organisation which has been strangling the world, since the last days of the British Empire.

Those within British Intelligence who were not Royal Arch Freemasons, had no real idea of what was going on at all. If they did manage to catch a 'Russian spy' within their midst, it was because the Royal Arch Freemasons had deemed this person expendable and had then fed him or her to the fishes. Think Burgess, Maclean etc and you will get the picture. Blunt escaped such censorship and hounding. He was a 'master' of Royal Arch Freemasonry.

One of the most sinister departments of Royal Arch Freemasonry/British Intelligence is the 'ZKTZ' - to be found on the list of codes on the British typewriter in Jerusalem 'British prison' museum. This prison was run by the British, who had forced Jews and Arabs to man their 'Palestinian Police' station.

(Zayin, Chet, Tzadik, in Hebrew) = the code for 'zygote':

The Royal Genome project

In brief, Vladmir Putin had been chosen as a DNA sperm donor within this Royal 'zygote' project and had then been ordered by the Masonic body to copulate with various British female agents, whilst in Berlin. The zygotes were then 'collected' and the young woman involved, was subsequently murdered. Stephen Daldry had organised various victims to be sent to Berlin for exactly this purpose. He has also boasted of listening to them (bugged rooms) being murdered, during this period. Cameras were also placed in the TV sets for the Royal Arch Freemasons to view afterwards - in essence, 'snuff movies'.

By 1993, the Royal Arch Freemasons had no further use for Mr Putin in terms of information or DNA and therefore, he was expendable - Royal Arch Freemason or not.

Additionally, during 1994 - a 'diamonds' operation under the supervision of John Scarlett, went awry. The goods disappeared somewhere in Bosnia and therefore someone in British Intelligence, had to carry the can. See for details.

4. 1995 - MI6 HQ, London.

Richard Tomlinson was sacked from MI6 on undisclosed charges. He escaped the country and went on the run, eventually turning up again with a mysterious Russian publishing house, in order to publish his autobiography 'The Big Breach' in 2001.

What had happened in the interim?

5. 2003 - Shanghai, China

On Manningham-Buller's orders: Andrew Marr (and several other British Intelligence operatives) kidnapped and tortured an ex-agent of theirs in France. The motive behind this was to force the agent back under mind control ( the agent was an ex-Royal Arch Freemason who had gone AWOL), in order to take an MI5 message to China.

Why China?

An 'educational conference' had been arranged at Jiao Tong University, Shanghai to improve Russian-Chinese relations. Except that there was no publicity for it, nationally or internationally and no reports published afterwards.

Nineteen, armoured cars turned up to this 'discreet' event containing the Russian contingent of nearly 100 participants, who then stayed for three weeks at the University's Academic Centre Hotel.

The campus was cordoned off throughout this period by Chinese tanks, armed guards and soldiers. Funnily enough, this 'educational conference' which includedVladimir Putin amongst the distinguished guests, was not mentioned in the international press. However, this was the time of the SARS epidemic in China and therefore, there were not many foreign reporters on the ground, in Shanghai.

Back-tracking: Richard Tomlinson was present at the torture of this agent in France 2002 and was also to attend the 'meeting' which took place in China. In short, he had been instructed to oversee the whole operation. Tomlinson was not allowed to know the message until it had been safely delivered to Mr Putin in China. He was however, present at the time that the message was given.

The operation was code-named 'METE'.

The gist of OP METE was as follows:

The implantation of a nuclear bomb (ESSO were employed to do the drilling) between the tectonic plates under the seabed - just off Aceh, Indonesia.

MI5 were to send a military ship into the area after the explosion had occurred, in order to check radiation levels. They had miscalculated. The radiation levels are now affecting all of the surrounding islands, including the Arabian peninsular.

The explosion occurred on the 26th December 2004.

In addition, the agent who had been sent with the message, had worked for Richard Tomlinson in eastern Europe 1992-1995 and had known him for years. The agent had also met Mr Putin many times during 1993-1996.

The agent told President Putin and Richard Tomlinson the message, concerning 'OP METE' .

Manningham-Buller had also ordered the agent (according to Marr's instructions) to return to Russia and then to attempt to assassinate President Putin. Why? The agent could only guess that even attempting to carry out such an order would have resulted in instant death. This would have been an ideal way to dispose of the 'messenger'.

Unfortunately for Manningham-Buller, Chinese surveillance had recorded the meeting between Mr Putin, Richard Tomlinson and the agent in question. They were to question the agent later on with the CIA present, who subsequently confirmed the information, in interview.

Indonesian Intelligence were duly warned and took action by taking out large insurance claims with British companies just before the event (mainly on the same day beforehand, in order to get the claims through without creating suspicion and UK firms backing out of the deal), in relation to the areas and buildings that the tsunami would hit.

The authors do not know whether or not it might have been possible to dismantle the bomb instead, but think that it was probably not technically possible. They hope that this was the case.

What is known is that Vladimir Putin is no longer a Royal Arch Freemasonry member. Can the same be said to be true of Richard Tomlinson? His current battle against SIS would suggest that he too, has broken free of MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry mind control programming.


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Black Rabbit said...

Even worse...I should have noted this a few days ago...

i found a peculiar little 'blister' or 'wart' with clear liquid in it - upon my lower back...the top of my buttocks...and I 'knew' that I had been injected with something by the DIABOLICAL TRIO in that location but I didn't know with any rate - my body had begun to expel it...

I took the top off it and let whatever it is now healing.

'john waters' was in touch - he told me that they had injected me with some cancerous substance - so that if the 'ovarian cancer' didn't kick in...that the ILL CULT would get me, with the above.

Black Rabbit said...

The 'regiment' were then in touch:

"The SAUDIS are evil bastards."

Black Rabbit said...

You see I have a problem in distinguishing a certain group - all I can say is this:

I get a 'wicked aura image' and it is rather like 'cat's eye' programmers.


The SAUDIS had it.

The two MOSSAD operatives who came to call at MR PUTIN's had it.

'john waters' used to have it.

The man who tried to break in to the CONTINENTAL HOTEL had it (and he succeeded in getting in - by walking in a stealthy cat-like way, on top of the garden walls and then getting into an upstairs window...a real 'cat-burglar')

So what can one deduce from the above?

Black Rabbit said...

I am remembering a little more now...the name of the chemical had:

SODIUM BENZYL and METHYL in it...a long name...

All i can find on the internet so far, is this:

(a) Formation of sodium benzyl and methyldithiolcarbonates from sodium O-benzyl xanthogenate by reaction with methyl iodide, (b) transformation of the dithiolcarbonates to sodium benzyl and sodium methyltrithiocarbonates by the attack of carbon disulfide present in excess, and (c) alkylation of trithiocarbonates (monoester) with dibenzyl or benzyl S-methyl xanthates to their diester.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember having seen this article with MARK R and making jokes about the DILITHIUM CRYSTALS are breaking in SCOTTIE and the starship enterprise...

Black Rabbit said...

This may be nothing but look at the chemical ILLustration:


You can bet that ROS and Stella Rimiington might have used this as an emblem of themselves...

Black Rabbit said...

They were the ACID which attacked your system...

Black Rabbit said...

It's 11am and I am expecting TONI at 13:00 - and so I have got out all of the necessary CHP paperwork and put it out on a table.

I have also made a file of my other most important 'paperwork' e.g correspondence with NPOWER in relation to GAS/ELECTRICS as well as VEOLIA WATER - if this CHP representative wants to see what is going on in relation to BILLS...I have included the latest benefit/council tax letters that I have received...within this folder.

That should be all of the information that she needs, shouldn't it?

Apart from checking that I haven't wrecked the flat...all should be good.

Black Rabbit said...

However, most of my correspondence with NPOWER is on my laptop - in email form...perhaps I should get my printer going to print it off...

The letters that I have received do not describe the 'complaint' to NPOWER in relation to my POSTCODE here.

Black Rabbit said...

So I am still waiting for TONI to turn up - it is now 13.39 and no sign of her at all.

I ‘know’ that she is in the next flat - and that in 2004 - she then came into this one and told me that she had heard me talking to myself…

The whole object of the ‘visit’ was to try and take the flat away from me…as a RED PIECE…that is what she had been instructed to do. She picked holes in everything…

She wanted to see my email correspondence with NPOWER and asked to take it away with her - which I will not let her do - this time around.

I shall tell her that she can give me her EMAIL ADDRESS and that I will forward any mail from them to her.

I will not give her any papers at all - if she wants them - I can forward a photocopy in the mail or forward emails to her.

The network are saying ‘trying to destroy evidence’ - that is what TONI’s visit is all about…

Black Rabbit said...


I have just met TONI and she wasn’t the same woman who came to this flat in fact, she reminded me of the POLICE at bit…that sort of ‘manner’…so I trusted her…in a way. It depends which way they ‘blow’ doesn’t it? Under ILL CULT influence or not…


Direct line: 01245 613000

Anyway, she didn’t do any of the things that the woman who came in 2004 had done…she simply reminded me of the ‘communal regulations’ in relation to BELLE BLOCK-H ha, ha….

Basically - to call her in order to report any anti-social behaviour…NOT to swear if involved in an altercation (against the law now)…to look out for RUBBISH sacks left outside front doors and to report it back to her (now why would that be…possibility of bombs?)…and lastly - to report back to her if anybody left the front door of the block of flats, open again…

Now this has often happened - and the first time that I had seen it happen was in relation to Flat 1’s ‘friends‘…so I closed the main front door and they couldn’t get in…they had just turned up in a car, in the car park. I figured that this wasn’t on…even if they had a front door key…and could let themselves into her flat…(upon that note - if she had given them a front door key - why not give them a key to the main door too?)…

Anyway, somebody had ‘fixed’ the front door lock and so the door wouldn’t close properly until you pushed the lock back in again…

I have seen this happen almost every day…somebody keeps on leaving it open…and I make a point of closing it.

However, I might as well disclose something else here…I know that that ARMY was using that door…keeping it open because they are now using INVISIBILITY GEAR…and come in and out of the building during the daytime and evening…it was a pain in the arse to open the door because a passerby might see the ‘silver key’ floating in the air, so to speak and so they decided to have a system whereby they left it open…

So there are two possible reasons as to why that main door doesn’t shut properly…

For example - I know that a soldier was ‘on guard’ the day that the ROYALS were supposed to try and break in…they are now using ‘invisibility material’ as part of their tactics…


In relation to my neighbours…TONI has now gone in to interview FLAT 1...and I suppose that she will be giving the same run-through of notes - see above. I hope that my neighbour doesn’t give some statements against me…I do not see how…I am relatively quiet…although I get up early…and bang around a bit…but no loud music or anything like that….

However, I know that this woman has been termed ‘paranoid’ by psychiatrists/doctors…and probably with good reason…because of those like RIMINGTON harassing he as well as RIMINGTON’s ILL CULT slaves…therefore, if this woman thinks that I am ‘one of them’…then I could be in trouble. Being a victim of the ILL CULT can go both ways…you can be ‘passive’ about it as I have been…or you can ‘attack back’ and report them. So let us hope that she does not think that I am ‘one of them’.

Anyway, I have cordial relations with all of my neighbours and so I shouldn’t have any problems here.

Black Rabbit said...

The 'silver key floating'...

Now, that reminds me of SCARLETT/SONIA/MARK...and their 'golden cup was floating'...upon their JONATHAN EVANS blogspot.

So what was that all about?

Obviously a 'show' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE that I had missed (using 'invisibility material').

A 'show' where a competition had been begun - which MACDONALD thought that he would relation to the accession to the BRITISH THRONE.

Black Rabbit said...

It makes me laugh to read back what I have just written...

TOMLINSON had warned me that things would get more and more crazy as this ILL CULT game progressed...and that was way email sent to me in Israel, late 2006.

I had no idea of what I would find out later on...I figured that I had found out pretty much, all there was to know - in ISRAEL.

Looking back upon what I had written up in notes upon this particular blogspot - about PUTIN/TOMLNSON/MANNINGHAM-BULLER...i wasn't wide of the mark...I had got most of it down accurately...I simply hadn't got to grips with EVERYTHING that had happened in SHANGHAI 2003.

Black Rabbit said...

i can now see quite blatantly - reading back my notes from ISRAEL 2006 (when I first put up this particular blogspot)...that PUTIN's falling out with BI in 1993...started off a whole chain of events.

BI had cheated him...were going to murder him...upon whose orders...those of the CROWN.

SCARLETT had shown me...the ILL CULT 'TEMPLAR' symbol for death in relation to PUTIN...and that was to change everything.

If BI had been told to honour their 'deal' with PUTIN...things might have turned out very differently indeed.

From 2001...

Look at what PUTIN then went and did at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

Black Rabbit said...

it was the JOOS who had saved PUTIN as far as I can see...that JOOISH ORTHODOX 'conversion' and then marriage...or maybe not...

The 'master' who adored PUTIN was the ROTHSCHILD programmer who then turned up in PRAGUE...perhaps he was PUTIN's ultimate protector and 'champion' within the ILL CULT.

In order to 'go up a stage' PUTIN had to become ORTHODOX...

So what level is PUTIN now?

Did he ascend again to 'secret JESUIT order'?

Black Rabbit said...

I can sympathise with him to an extent in SHANGHAI 2003...

SAKHALIN ISLAND which appears to be MOON/WHITE base and the 'wrystio' codes...this island was nominally under RUSSIAN control - and I suppose that PUTIN figured that he had first 'dibs' on it...

He was furious to find out that the information wasn't forthcoming from myself - he couldn't understand why. He suspected the JOOS - in particular my friendship with NIR.

I was under MACDONALD/SWISS CONTROLLER/AMADEUS' control at that point in time...and they were helping the CHINESE...

NIR told me that the RUSSIANS wouldn't be left out...this was from an ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE perspective...they had 'seen the future' and knew that the CHINESE would give PUTIN the 'WHITE BASE' information later is just that he wouldn't be the 'exclusive rights' to it.

Black Rabbit said...

So PUTIN and the KBG didn't know what was going on, upon one of their own islands - a RUSSIAN ISLAND - who did know?


i have no idea about the rest of these BLACK NOBILITY FAMILIES but one can assume, the rest of them did too...

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA 'knew' about the island and that they had to send INTERNAL MILITARY MAIL there...but it was all 'top secret' and none of them in their office - were allowed to know what it was about.

Black Rabbit said...

SWISS CONTROLLER had been stationed in JAPAN...his first appointment...and so he knew the procedure...and in Switzerland, he began to put two and two together...

Black Rabbit said...

It all reminds me of MARK R telling me miserably that he had been told by the TOP ILL that he was HESS...he showed me the NAZI history book - which is upon the EAGLEHURST bookshelf in front of the tunnel door to underneath the local GREAT CLACTON church...and that ABBEY in ST OSYTH.

HESS was apparently the 'deputy fuhrer'...and MARK R told me that the departments of the SS had NO idea of what the others did...they were all deliberately kept in the DARK.

"They are just MUSHROOMS - keep them in the DARK and shovel SHIT upon them."

Black Rabbit said...

The photograph of HESS upon WIKI is odd...because the one in the book, bore a passing resemblance to MARK R...

Yet the one upon WIKI (see above) looks more like MACDONALD...more like a HOAG...

Browsing through a GOOGLE IMAGES search of photographs for HESS...i do not know...but they all look like 'actors' who look vaguely similar...a lookalike contest...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, people change a lot as they get older...

...and if you are like me...a BIRD OF MANY COLOURS...they can put brown lens over your pupils...put a black wig on your head and you suddenly look 'Chinese'...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, a lot of women in CHINA actually do have BIG is considered the height of unatractiveness but it is a known phenomenon...

Black Rabbit said...

I saw a lot of ~Chinese women students upon SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY campus with 'big noses'...hey, maybe it is a sign of intelligence?

Black Rabbit said...

The top NAZIS were just an 'stage show' weren't they?

Black Rabbit said...

..and quite a few of them were JOOISH or of JOOISH descent...that makes it even worse, doesn't it?

The JESUITS programming JOOS to 'deal with the JOOS' beneath them...

The BLACK NOBILITY programming the JESUITS to deal with the JOOS...who dealt with everybody else...the BARBARIAN CLASS...

Black Rabbit said...

The GERMAN JOOS were seen as extremely valuable 'SUPER GOLEMS'...those like my mother...

I know that the holocaust wasn't about JOOS in was about anybody who disagreed with the TOP ILL and were seen as a direct threat to their ILL CULT plans - that meant ANYBODY and from any religious, socio-political group.

Black Rabbit said...

SUPER GOLEMS tended to be saved and transported out of there...GERMAN JOO scientists...babies like my mother, and so on...

These people were useful...

Black Rabbit said...

Transplant them somewhere else - under surveillance and control - breed them (carefully).

That is why my mother gained her CHEMISTRY distinction...

That is why she taught me CHEMISTRY before I was 4 years old...

The old JESUIT saying:

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I love the life of quotes. I have seen this several dozen different ways, some to praise the Jesuits and others to condemn them. Most authors use the word "alleged" when attributing the quote to the Jesuits or one of their members -- St. Ignatius of Loyola, the found of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) or St. Francis Xavier, first missionary to India who assisted Ignatius in the formation of the Jesuits.

"Give me the child, and I will mould the man."

"Give me the child for seven years,
and I will give you the man."

"Give me the child until he is
seven and I care not who has him thereafter."

"Give me the child till the age of seven
and I will show you the man."

There is a great documentary on the subject with an accompanying book: "7 Up: 'Give Me the Child Until He is Seven, and I Will Show You the Man'" by Michael Apted, Bennett L. Singer who have followed their subjects for nearly forty years with subsequent films and books.

Baltasar Gracian was a Spanish Jesuit scholar who lived from 1601 till 1658.

The French Revolution began in 1789. From all accounts the most influential Jesuit was Henri Gregoire, considered the most educated of the cures because he had traveled further from their small parish which gave him a broader knowledge of the world. An award-winning essayist, he helped draw up the civil constitution of the clergy, considered the single most important passage in his life. However there has never been any evidence to indicate the Jesuits were directly involved in the Revolution

Black Rabbit said...

Funny how I got that JESUIT maxim WRONG then...

I was QUITE sure that it was before the age of FOUR years old.

Black Rabbit said...

7 UP?

i remember MARK R laughing to me about this can of pop...7 UP.

"You really do not want to drink that...until you have cancelled ou the RED the icon."

The 'RED BALL' - that is what I continuously saw in the mind of PC GREEN...

Black Rabbit said...

So GREEN was another JESUIT?

Well, very hidden really...because the JESUIT 'DOGS' were preying upon him at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

i saw that 'red ball' in his mind as something that he had taken control didn't control him.

A novel way of dealing with ILL CULT programming.

Black Rabbit said...

I 'saw' that RED BALL image in his mind...whilst AMADEUS had him strung up on the rack...AMADEUS wanted to know if there was any 'brain activity' going on there, at all...I lied...and told him that there wasn't...just a bit of BLOOD on his TOE...that frightened AMADEUS for some reason and he left off, immediately.

GREEN survived the ordeal with a 'bit of his brain' still 'alive' and working...

Black Rabbit said...

I have no idea what the above amounts to...

I simply figured at the time...if somebody is still 'conscious' - that means they will remember what happened here...and I have to protect that one...

Black Rabbit said...

However, GREEN then shot an arrow into my thigh - out of one of the arrow slits...real bow and arrow...excruciating pain...


Because the PRINCES were behind him...telling him to do it...they thought it a laugh...

So GREEN was completely under their control?

He had been a ROYAL MARINE before he joined the POLICE FORCE...

Black Rabbit said...

Probably around the same time that PRINCE WILLIAM had joined the 'service' lipservice to the armed forces...

Black Rabbit said...

LIPSTICK ARMY SERVICE...that is what the ROYALS are all about.

Black Rabbit said...

You apply the act the part...and then you piss off.

Black Rabbit said...

So all I can summarise as such is that GREEN was the 'one most likely' as with DAVID ICKE to defeat ILL PLANS...they both had the 'crazy' or 'unorthodox' brainwaves...

Yet, I cannot really trust either of them.

Black Rabbit said...

MR ICKE was easy to work out - he even told me about the 'deal' he had made with MI6...which was as follows, in words to the effect:

They fund me to talk all over the world...I tend to talk about what bothers me most (e.g. his analysis and understanding of 'where the money goes' in terms of who owns the most and what they do with it - aided by his friends, MARK R, MACDONALD and MI6 OFFICER at AVEBURY)...

...but...and a BIG BUT...MI6 also tell me to talk about 'alien space lizards' and so I have to do it...I can only hope that people see past that number.

Black Rabbit said...

Why did MR ICKE agree to the whole thing, under MIND CONTROL and in an 'altered state' (as we all were, at that point) - because he couldn't bear the fact that his sons didn't look up to him and respect him (see DAVID ICKE's history before 2001).

SCARLETT and COLLIE promised that his sons would look up to him - if he simply followed their orders.

He argued back...and got a 'compromise'.

Yes, he would push 'alien lizards' but he would also be allowed to talk about MONEY...big business...who owns what and why...etc...BIG PHARM as he called it...those who own these really evil pharmaceutical companies...who dare to tell us that these pills that they are selling, actually work...when in reality...they do not, necessarily....the biggest CONS are:


Black Rabbit said...

ANTIBIOTICS...that can make you OBE and remote-view...

How fascinating...

The REAL SCIENCE...and real SCIENCE JOURNALS which are yet to be published...

Black Rabbit said...

OLANZAPINE which is simply meant to 'kill of your frontal lobes' and therefore your entire bodily system...

Black Rabbit said...


With some takes only 2 years...

With other more 'hardy' takes a few more.

Black Rabbit said...

The suffering of people, prescribed this evil DRUG, is hardly credible.

They start to lose control of their minds and bodily functions...

See notes upon JONATHAN MILLER who tried it for just a week...

Black Rabbit said...

So back to MR GREEN - whom i first met in a CID office...many years ago now...after his ROYAL MARINE service at 19 years old...

He then turns up to give me a really 'hard duty' interview about PETROL NELL...

Mainly because he was 'under her spell' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE- having been given a BLOW-JOB to end all blow jobs...

Tell me, is it really that easy...

PETROL NELL laughs at she did at the TEMPLAR CASTLE..."your mother knew it - it is TRUE".

Black Rabbit said...

So PC GREEN was 'put into the CID' to give me a really hard time?

He hasn't done so (as yet).

It is a weird configuration - but the last time that I saw him at the TEMPLAR as when we were allowed 'out'...and he 'fainted' (I had told him to go to MARK R to think of a 'ruse')...

He had told me before he completely freaked me out in town...

"I love you EMILY - you are just a very young child - you HAVE to understand that."

I was barefoot and in a school uniform at the time...people looked at me on the street...but unless they studied my face for signs of age...with the fake tan...apart from having no shoes...I looked like a young woman...I had been the point of being about 7 stones.

Black Rabbit said...

In short, I was 40 years old and acting like an intelligent and mature 'child'...nobody bothered us...despite my lack of shoes...until he fainted.

I went hysterical.

Everybody looked at me.

Black Rabbit said...

GREEN was playing 'dead' upon the kerb.

Underneath the supplies for 'PALESTINE' massive box of groceries which had spilled out all over the pavement and road...

Black Rabbit said...

So MARK R and GREEN had really done me in - at that point...

I had no idea that it was going to happen and I freaked out...

The next thing that I knew...I was waking up in that PRINCE OF MONACO hospital...with TOMLINSON charging in...saying:

"What happened to you KITTEN? We were so worried about you."

I projected SILVER TABBY KITTEN back to him - because believe me, I felt like it...completely innocent and alarmed..."

I then told him about GREEN who had made his escape out of the HOSPITAL because we 'shared images'...he simply asked what had happened to GREEN...and I 'saw' him getting out of a back window of the hospital and escaping....TOMLILNSON read my mind immediately...

Black Rabbit said...

As a telepath - you cannot help it - you simply 'flash' these images at each other. See notes upon RUSSIAN telepath who was trying to heal me.

As somebody who understand telepathy - like TOMLINSON - they pick them up.

Others don't...I didn't for most of my life...yet I 'knew' that I should. I had an 'idea' of both worlds.

Black Rabbit said...

A high-up member of the CID told me that he worked upon those 'flashes'...GREEN was his most lowly employee at the your next job out of the ROYAL MARINES then?

...GREEN was then promoted within the CID...he would of their most valuable assets...

I hope that the CID can trust you, that is all I can say...

I trusted you...I trusted you in terms of you being as trustworthy as DAVID ICKE...

...however, you know that in this ILL GAME - that I cannot TRUST will have been programmed to harm me - at some point.

Black Rabbit said...

THE POLICE that SCARLETT and the ILL GAME had employed...during 2004...

They were 'very special people' weren't they?

All of them were gays/lesbians or identified as such, at the time - the men were CLOSET though - not the women - they are all OUT and LESBIAN.

We are talking about 2004 - quite a few of them are now 'married' or even dating the opposite sex.

Black Rabbit said...

They are all still OUT bones about it...nobody will be made ashamed of their sexuality...

The point now do we reframed GAY/LESBIAN society within a MAINSTREAM family model?

Black Rabbit said...

Integration is key - not segregation...or the ILL target your communities and pick you off...

Black Rabbit said...

The policewomen were all fascinated by KATIE PRICE...whom I can now see was a CHESHIRE CAT...who exerted that 'spell' over people...

Black Rabbit said...

Tuesday morning…

I was thinking hard last night about the RED BALL and in brief, this is what came back:

LOYOLA ISLAND and ‘john waters’ secret JESUIT order community…

He showed me two RED EGGS in the main hall and asked me if I could remember what they meant…I couldn’t…but my subconscious mind must have been registering ‘zygote programming’.

I had been impregnated - and was then to be aborted in that hall - by the JESUITS…they had painted their faces RED with blood…the RED EGGS…SCARLETT was amongst them…they had all gone completely insane. They thought that being RED EGG in this particularly obscene rite - made them able to ‘see’ from the top of the wall…it didn’t…I was simply surrounded by BLIND and insane men. ‘john waters’ told me to kill the child…the foetus, still attached by umbilical cord, once they had pulled it out of me and I wouldn’t…my mind became very strong and focussed…I told them that they had cursed my child and that therefore she cursed them. They stopped what they were doing. ‘john waters’ eventually told one of them to ‘clean her up’ and that ‘there is nothing to be done’.

The above was the worst possible torture of the lot - mainly the ILL cult simply aborted you…I had never been asked to kill my own child before…and by refusing to do so…I had broken their sick spell. They couldn’t continue with their ILL rite. This particular sickness of theirs - was all about blaming you, the woman - for the murder of your own child - before they ate it.

Black Rabbit said...



"I will leave you in PEA SEES"

He was giving a coded reference to the continuing of this obscene practice - BUT in reality, the JESUITS had entered HELL by doing so...painting their faces RED...they couldn't 'see' at all...they were all BLIND.

Black Rabbit said...

...i was the only one who could SEE...the SIGHTED ONE in a community of the BLIND.

Black Rabbit said...

I can now see that this was the 'tipping point' - the moment where I had gained control of the JESUITS...

MACDONALD as a 'RED PIECE' was to decide to join be a real rebel against the ILL CULT.

'john waters' was to follow...

I then forced the RED KING to shoot himself through the head...JACOB ROTHSCHILD...

The REDS were finally under control...or rather, out of ILL CULT control.

Black Rabbit said...

I still do not trust the RED PIECES but one can see that they are now in revolt...they are beginning to really SEE what has happened...

...and perhaps that is the way that MACDONALD had planned it, along with SWISS CONTROLLER...

In order to deal with the ILL CULT - you had firstly to deal with the RED PIECES.

That meant WHITE taking on RED worldwide and winning...remember that photograph of the WHITE/RED chess game?

MACDONALD had won almost immediately - and without hardly taking a RED PIECE off the board.

He wanted to save the REDS by defeating them early why would he want to do that?

So that he could then take the BLACK NOBILITY on, with the combined forces of both RED and WHITE.

Black Rabbit said...

RED were more powerful than WHITE or BLACK upon the board...they had been programmed to ensure that the BLACK NOBILITY won...

RED could appear and disappear 'at will'...they could move anywhere they liked and take any piece...

MACDONALD's idea was to turn RED against BLACK...

Black Rabbit said...

So this is the current state of play:


...but WHITE with the added advantage of RED helping WHITE...

Black Rabbit said...

In relation to what has now been exposed concerning BLACK NOBILITY plans for this world - they had better give up and surrender now - or things will get really nasty.


Black Rabbit said...


Their basic plan was to kill the vast majority of this planet off- and to be left with their elite slave base.

They had thought up some insane 'END OF DAYS' scenario.

This included a lot of what they termed MIRACLES.

Such as people who were believed to be DEAD AND BURIED - suddenly emerging from the grave...

The general populace is now microchipped and 'otherworldly images' would then be broadcast upon the frequencies...upon the networks to these people.

The LADY DIANA one - was all about her being cast as VENUS RISING (see that BOTTICELLI painting) but surrounded by drag queens with wings and chorus girls...a real HOLLYWOOD number...

It looked insane at the TEMPLAR much more insane - if this image is then broadcast to so many people...who then start talking about their 'visions' and begin to agree that they had all seen pretty much the same thing?

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - MARK R told me that people would interpret it in different ways and that would be the FUN element for the top ILL...listening to what people made of it all...what they had 'seen'.

Black Rabbit said...

Upon a more serious note - I have read up on what PROJECT BLUBEAM is supposed to be all about...and it appears to have a very religious tone to it...the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST...that sort of thing...

So will TOMLINSON upon a CLOUD also be projected as 'god'?

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that the basic idea is to simply send the whole world crazy with 'visions and voices'.

To start an END OF DAYS big riot/revolution/orgy...akin to this ANGLIAN christians who decided that they had all been 'saved', were now in 'heaven' and could do as they pleased...

So not the RESTAURANT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE...but the ILL CULT PARTY...before they kill most people off...

Black Rabbit said...

I haven't time to find out which Christian sect in Anglia it was...but the FAMILISTS look like a likely candidate for this type of DOOMSDAY/END OF DAYS scenario.

If I had my essay from 6th form upon it...I would be able to give a clearer reference.

The question was that age-old chestnut along the lines of:


You then wrote about all of the different 'heretical Christian' groups around...and there were many...all over the British Isles.

Black Rabbit said...

The ANGLIAN one was the most interesting because they had gone completely berserk and on the the point where the KING'S ARMY had to be sent in, to sort them out.

Black Rabbit said...

Reformation and Counter-Reformation were 'crazy times' for the British Isles, in general.

Black Rabbit said...

So one can only hope that all of the RED PIECES can now SEE properly and will act accordingly, against the BLACK NOBILITY - if they try it.

Black Rabbit said...

This won't be just about the CHRISTIANS either - will it?

PROJECT BLUBEAM appears to encompass every major world religion...and so the 'projections' will be various...everybody believing that their MESSIAH has come...

Black Rabbit said...

As far as I know...MARK R had planned for all of this to happen around and about the time of the 'flooding'...I suppose before that many days have we got left GORDON BROWN - I forgot to 'count-down' as it were...

Black Rabbit said...

However, I 'know' that the ARMY were involved in making sure that those OIL RIGS didn't get hold of the necessary at least that one, must now be 'solved'.

Black Rabbit said...

So just how many people do I know...who could 'come back from the dead'?


It is so difficult to know with the ILL CULT...maybe these people have 'come back' already...or maybe I was lied to, in the first place...

Black Rabbit said...

I haven’t walked up the RED STAIRWELL (it is a geometric spiral) up TRAVELODGE yet…and I think that I will leave it until tomorrow…

…because I can now fully remember what happened in that TOP FLAT…the PENTHOUSE SUITE…

It wasn’t just the DIABOLICAL TRIO up there…AMADEUS was also present with PC GREEN…the basic idea was that as a RED PIECE…he was the one who was supposed to throw me over balcony…if I ever dared to go up there, again.

Why didn’t the ILL CULT want me to go up to that PENTHOUSE SUITE again?

I suppose you have two images going on here:

THE RED PIECES (only a RED QUEEN can walk up all of those stairs - it symbolises taking control of the RED PIECES).

I remember looking at all of CLACTON, over the rooftops from that top flat…it is a marvellous view…

It is the sort of view that I love…OVER THE ROOFTOPS…

I remember how I used to love to look at LONDON OVER THE ROOFTOPS…the place that I was born…it is a deeply emotional and ‘territorial’ feeling, in a way…it reminds me of childhood…and at a more ‘esoteric level’…of my first remote-viewing experiences at night…when I could ‘fly over the rooftops’ like PETER PAN and WENDY.

I wrote about this type of emotive experience in an essay on film for the WARWICK English department…we had a module upon British film and culture…and in a MIKE LEIGH film, you have the working-class grandmother who is the last person left on her terraced street in central LONDON…the yuppies have pushed her entire community out…she talks gravely about all of this to her son, as far as I can recall - as they stand upon the roof and look over the rooftops of London…her traditions, her history…her community’s history…and how it has all now gone…deep nostalgia for what has been lost…her roots…her sense of ‘family’ and ‘community’…

The TASCHMANS had been pushing women, like the character in this LEIGH film, out of their flats - in the centre of PRAGUE…they even boasted about throwing one old granny down the stairs - to make sure that she moved out fast…so that they could then sell the whole block of flats off - to foreign investors - for massive sums of money.

Anyway, apparently GREEN had been born and brought up in CLACTON and his ‘territorial love’ was for this town - and also the romance and nostalgic feeling, of looking over the rooftops of CLACTON…this flat was to be a ‘carrot’ for him…“if you do as we say - we give you this penthouse suite”.

Black Rabbit said...

So I am not going to walk up there anytime soon, let me tell you...I need to 'feel' when the time is right - to go up and have a look...

In fact, I should look to see if the FOR SALE notice has gone down yet...perhaps it has already been sold - but I haven't seen any 'life' going on up there, as yet...from my bedroom window.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not suppose that I really need to do it anyway...because at that point in 2004...the ILL CULT had no real idea of what I had already done in relation to JACOB ROTHSCHILD/MACDONALD/'john waters'...the main RED PIECES.

MACDONALD tells me that the coast is clear:

"I am the KING, honey."

Black Rabbit said...

Overall, it is going to be an interesting Xmas, isn't it?

Counteracting what the BLACK NOBILITY had planned...

Black Rabbit said...

MR GURNEY appears to have a thing about the LADY OF SHALOTT...

I keep spelling it like the onion...because ANDREW MARR had seen me cutting up SHALLOTS in my parents' kitchen in their chateau...and he called me this.

As far as I know - this is ILL CULT programming for JOOISH women...I will not have been the only one programmed with 'lady of shalott'.

MARR's poetry (Andrew Tait) then refers to the theme of the LADY OF SHALOTT in terms of how her 'mirror will crack' at some point - meaning that she will be cursed and end up dead in a barge as she nears CAMELOT (think demonic ROUND TABLE).

Black Rabbit said...

NO my mirror will not 'crack'...because I know the difference between a BATHROOM MIRROR and my PSI telescopic ability.

I can break all of the bathroom mirrors that I like - and it will not do a thing to my PSI abilities.

Besides, RIMINGTON's 'victoriana' bathroom mirror (magnifying make-up one) is now safely behind BARS in my 'cage' in the basement. Along with the BEKO TV set.

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA have singled out in RED:


"A recent romance novel by Meredith Duran entitled The Duke of Shadows includes quotes and references (direct and thematic) to the poem."

So I looked it up on GOOGLE and started to laugh: The Duke of Shadows (9781416567035): Meredith Duran: Books
The Duke of Shadows was pitch-perfect, not a single wrong note. This book ravished me. ... I want to read The Duke of Shadows again, again, again. ... - Cached

Okay - so this is 'some' book then, isn't it?

What you might term a 'bodice-ripper'.

MACDONALD you put that 'review' up first on GOOGLE - to invite me to take the piss, didn't you?

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, the front cover reminds me of TOMLINSON at the TEMPLAR CASTLE (the ILL CULT loved to dress him up in this way)...

So I take it that the above book was used as programming materials for that 'great love affair' that he had, with each and every one of his female slaves?

Black Rabbit said...

We must have all been made to read this book at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - however, in a child alter, it would have left me cold and I cannot remember a word of it.

I am intrigued by VLAD THE BOOKWORM's review (not 'you know who'?):

By V. LAD "BOOK WORM" (Leicester, UK) - See all my reviews

I have seen this book on various favourite lists but was put off for some reason mainly I think because it spanned a long time & so I thought that it would have bben a bore! Boy was I wrong - this is a classic in the realms of Gone with the wind. It shows some tortured souls against a backdrop of the British Rule in India. Its very tastefully done & edge of your seat romance. In the first half I found Emma quite selfish & narrow-minded to a certain extent but she developes as she goes through the experiences that life deals her & Julian is such a complex "rake" who admits his feelings early on (quite novel when you look at the other like stories where the females always declare themselves first)& I loved his dialogue & hero status. This is an excellent first novel- good original story & well grounded, profiled & characterised. Love the Hindi words & tried to decipher their meaning. I look forward to more from this author but A MUST READ highly recommended!!

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can remember various slaves from the TEMPLAR CASTLE were consigned to write 'glowing' reviews for this book.

The basic idea behind this LADY OF SHALOTT theme is to kill off women remote-viewers who have got troublesome.

Black Rabbit said...

There is another theme going on here...not just THE LADY OF SHALOTT...also MARIANNE AND HEROD...

I then looked up HEROD on WIKI - MACDONALD as 'gnu' appears to have control over these entries and as an ORTHODOX JOO with insight into these 'Old Testament' can see that the entry will be as 'correct' as possible. In fact, I can see that those like SHARON have entered in their Sephardic history here - in relation to HEROD murdering countless rabbis:

Black Rabbit said...

Herod went back to Israel to win his kingdom from Antigonus and at the same time he married the teenage niece of Antigonus, Mariamne (known as Mariamne I), in an attempt to secure a claim to the throne and gain some Jewish favor. However, Herod already had a wife, Doris, and a three-year-old son, Antipater, and chose therefore to banish Doris and her child.

Three years later, Herod and the Romans finally captured Jerusalem and executed Antigonus. Herod took the role as sole ruler of Israel and the title of basileus (Gr. Βασιλευς, king) for himself, ushering in the Herodian Dynasty and ending the Hasmonean Dynasty. Josephus reports this as being in the year of the consulship of Agrippa and Gallus (37 BC), but also says that it was exactly 27 years after Jerusalem fell to Pompey, which would indicate 36 BC. (Cassius Dio also reports that in 37 "the Romans accomplished nothing worthy of note" in the area.[11]) According to Josephus, he ruled for 37 years, 34 years of them after capturing Jerusalem.

Model of Herod's TempleHerod later executed several members of his own family, including his wife Mariamne.

Black Rabbit said...

Is DORIS really an ancient JOOISH name?

Funnily enough - an odd memory came back last night...and it was of offering MARK R a word to use as a programming word:



I told him - 'ris' is from 'rire' - to laugh, in French.

Why did the above come back?


Black Rabbit said...

I saw MARK R's 'dancing child alter' on a hot tin roof...'knees up mother Brown' - who thought of himself as the 'devil' - as a sort of IMP.

Black Rabbit said...

Of course he might have used the word in a different way e.g.


PRIS as in 'taken' in French.

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, I can remember him thinking about that one too...I offered far as i can remember, it was about ILL CULT marriages/ it 'imprisoned' you were 'taken'.

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, I offered him both...i can remember now...this is all about ILL CULT marriages/matches and how you are 'taken' as a prisoner-of-war and put into 'prison' relationships.

Black Rabbit said...

Damn - the first post didn't show up - and so I re-wrote it, only to find out that suddenly the first post (see above) had mysteriously turned up.

Black Rabbit said...

Looking at the BLACK NOBILITY and their ILL CULT is a shame, really...that I have outed the whole TITANIC would have been a quick way to get rid of a lot of them...from the UK, at any rate.

However because it was inextricably linked with the FLOODING...I had to do so.

Black Rabbit said...

MACDONALD has singled out in RED:


"Herod the Great + Mariamne II, dt. of Simon the High-Priest.
Herod II

He has also singled out in RED:


Herod the Great + Mariamne I, d. 29 BC?, dt. of Alexandros.
| | | |
Aristobulus Alexander Salampsio + Phasael Cypros
d. 7 BC? d. 7 BC? | m. Antipater(2)
m. Berenice Cypros
| | | | |
Mariamne III Herod III Herodias Herod Agrippa Aristobulus V
m. her uncle King of Chalcis + King of Israel
Archelaus ? m. 1. Herod II Boethus
her uncle
2. Herod Antipas
her uncle

Black Rabbit said...

i am mystified by the above...

I take it that the above was used as a PROGRAMMING SCRIPT...


Black Rabbit said...

i would guess that MARIANNE would have been played by somebody like NIR's mother...

You have the tapes, CIA - you obviously know...

SIMON - would that have been played by MARK R aka SIMON MAGUS?

ARISTOBULUS naturally suggests BULL and TOMLINSON to me...

Black Rabbit said...


It sounds like the wrystio CODES to me, for some reason...


AMADEUS or OBAMA (who was coded as 'A' - see notes upon MIRANDA)

wrystio codes - MOON BASE



Black Rabbit said...

i 'know' that the operative code to hide this programming is:


Black Rabbit said...

In point of fact, we have two MARIANMEs:

20s BC
29 BC– Josephus writes that Herod had great passion and also great jealousy concerning his wife, Mariamne I. She learns of Herod's plans to murder her, and stops sleeping with him. Herod puts her on trial on a charge of adultery. His sister, Salome I, was chief witness against her. Mariamne I's mother Alexandra made an appearance and incriminated her own daughter. Historians say her mother was next on Herod's list to be executed and did this only to save her own life. Mariamne was executed, and Alexandra declared herself Queen, stating that Herod was mentally unfit to serve. Josephus wrote that this was Alexandra's strategic mistake; Herod executed her without trial.
28 BC– Herod executed his brother-in-law Kostobar[42] (husband of Salome, father to Berenice) for conspiracy. Large festival in Jerusalem, as Herod had built a Theatre and an Amphitheatre.
27 BC– An assassination attempt on Herod was foiled. To honor Augustus, Herod rebuilt Samaria and renamed it Sebaste.
25 BC– Herod imported grain from Egypt and started an aid program to combat the widespread hunger and disease that followed a massive drought. He also waives a third of the taxes.
23 BC– Herod built a palace in Jerusalem and the fortress Herodion (Herodium) in Judea. He married his third wife, Mariamne II, the daughter of high priest Simon.[43]
22 BC– Herod began construction on Caesarea Maritima and its harbor. The Roman emperor Augustus grants him the regions Trachonitis, Batanaea and Auranitis to the north-east.
Circa 20 BC– Expansion started on the Second Temple. (See Herod's Temple)

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, and I can now remember who played one of these MARIAMNES.


I am not joking.

They put him in a long wig.

I can remember now - it wasn't funny - it was quite macabre.

I cannot remember whether MARR played MARIAMNE mark 1 or mark 2, now.

Black Rabbit said...

So all in all - HEROD had 10 wives which tops even HENRY VIII and I know that the ROYAL FAMILY played HEROD and his court...dealing with the 'wives' one after another...

I cannot remember which ROYAL got to play HEROD but I am assuming PRINCE CHARLES here - almost sure of it.

Black Rabbit said...

"5 BC– Antipater was brought before the court charged with the intended murder of Herod."

You played ANTIPATER didn't you, MACDONALD?

That would have been one of MARK R's little jokes:


Black Rabbit said...

i didn't have much of an interest in any of this 'biblical re-enactment' - I simply used to walk in and see what they were doing, now and I cannot really remember who was ARISTOBULUS but seeing as they tended to give TOMLINSON 'starring roles' - it was probably him.

Black Rabbit said...

There is a lot of programming involved in this biblical narrative - look at the RED references in the above entry.

Black Rabbit said...

Wasn't DORIS played by HELEN BROWNE as in the 'DOE' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?

Black Rabbit said...

i think that the above is where my own programming comes in - associated with MARIAMNE II.

"She had one child by Herod, called Herod II or Herod Boethus. Herod II married his niece, Herodias, and by her had a daughter, Salome.

Mariamne II was implicated in the plot of Antipater against her husband in 4 BCE. As a result, Herod divorced her and removed her father (Simon Boethus) as high priest.[1] Her son, Herod II, was removed from the line of succession in Herod's last will."

Black Rabbit said...

So MARK R was my 'father'...I can remember this now...I teamed up with ANTIPATER (MACDONALD) and then the ROYAL FAMILY does the lot of us in...that was how they wanted to play it.

Black Rabbit said...

I am remembering a bit more...and the next wife was played by PETROL NELL:

Malthace was a Samaritan woman who lived in the latter half of the first century BCE. She was one of the wives of Herod the Great and the mother by Herod of Herod Antipas, Archelaus and a daughter Olympias.

Black Rabbit said...

Who played the next wife as in CLEOPATRA?

I am getting SUSAN BASSNETT back here...but I am not entirely sure.

Black Rabbit said...

We then have quite a few more wives to go through...

PALLAS...let me think...probably ROS in relation to MACDONALD dressing her up as PALLAS ATHENA...

Black Rabbit said...


ELPIS (I sense a naughty joke here - not EL ZOMBO?)

...and then a cousin...

...and then a niece...

Black Rabbit said...

So in essence, this is what happened regarding the ALLO ALLO team and the NY 'CRAZY COMPANY':

SCARLETT and others from BI had been issued with a 'challenge' from the ROYALS - if they could work it all out (what the ILL CULT was up to) then we would all be freed from bondage.

Of course the ROYALS were lying through their teeth and had no intention of freeing any of us.

Anyway, the 'challenge' was taken up and that is when things really began to go wrong for the ROYALS/TOP ILL CULT.

Instead of competing - the ALLO ALLO TEAM joined forces with the NY 'CRAZY COMPANY' and things began to move very quickly indeed.

Black Rabbit said...

LO AND BEHOLD...jiajing sun has just written me another email (now, why did I type sj as in society of jesus when trying to type 'just'):

Flag this message[ No Subject ]
Tuesday, 24 November, 2009 0:48From: "Jiajing Sun" < >Add sender to ContactsTo:

read my new entry, think about some other way to get your money back.

Black Rabbit said...

I shall write back to JIAJING - asking this person to send their 'new entry' again because I do not appear to have received it.

Black Rabbit said...

I have a hunch that this happened in 2004 -and in point of fact, there is no new 'entry'.

Black Rabbit said...

"Hi there. Send your 'new entry' again. It hasn't appeared on a blog."

Black Rabbit said...

In relation to 'getting my money back' I think that I shall stick with my plans - they appear to be working fantastically well.

Black Rabbit said...

I mean - look at how many ILL CULT secrets I have shared with the rest of you...and I will continue to 'share' until my money is paid back.

Black Rabbit said...

I was thinking about the RED STAIRWELL thing again…and asked MACDONALD what would happen if I walked to the top and then down to the bottom (basement level) of it.

Apparently nothing.

I do not get to be a RED QUEEN - I don’t get thrown off the top - but I do get to finish this ILL CULT game.

So was this the last stage?

No more CRAP to come afterwards?

I don’t have to go into the TOP FLAT or into the BASEMENT?

No, apparently I don’t - it is all about LEVELS - that is all. I just have to go to the TOP level and the BOTTOM level to have completed this horror. Without being trapped - either way.

The whole walk - looms over me - like climbing MOUNT EVEREST to my mind…shall I take sandwiches for a halfway stop?


I was thinking about this TRAVELODGE today and how odd it is…there is no ‘security’ upon the ground floor…just a guy with a CCTV monitor, in a room behind the reception desk on the first floor (or was it the second floor, I cannot remember). I hardly feel that this is ‘secure’ in relation to anybody being able to walk in…and use the lifts - or the stairs, for that matter.

But then the CLACTON TRAVELODGE isn’t supposed to be ‘secure’ - it is a RA CULT operation - and programmers/smugglers are allowed to walk in and out as they please - preying upon the RA SLAVES who have checked-in as guests.

MARK R had told me NOT to move to the last stage in this ILL CULT game - whatever it was…and this appears to be it.

So I do not want to get ‘arrested for trespassing’ or anything like that…so I shall get the phone number of the PENTHOUSE FLAT sellers…and ask them for a ‘viewing appointment’ - that is legal, isn’t it? I will then say that I like to be healthy - a health freak nut - and I shall take the stairs…

Then, in order to come back down and descend to basement level…all I need to do is to drop my pen over the bannisters and then go and retrieve it - if the agency are waiting for me, upon the ground-floor level…

That way, I complete the whole thing with no ‘fuss and no mess’. I will give my real name and address - why should I bother to hide who I am? If asked if the flat is for me - I can be vague and say that I am doing a friend a favour - that type of thing.

The above appears to be the very flat I am looking for:
Jackson Road, Clacton-On-Sea
£99,995 - 2 bedroom flat for sale

The ‘over the rooftops view’ looks familiar…so I will book an appointment online.

Black Rabbit said...

Look at the 'features':

Property features
Private lift to 5th Floor
New 125 year leases
�50 Ground Rent
All apartments have allocated parking
Most apartments have balconies or terraces

Now we all had to take the lift but I cannot remember if it was a 'private one' or not...all I can remember is that the RED STAIRS went to the top...and that RIMINGTON was forced to do it the hard way...up those stairs.

I can remember the MILITARY MASONS telling me afterwards that they had also felt sorry for her...old lady that she was by that point...struggling up all of those stairs...

So they knew the procedure but did they know why?

Black Rabbit said...

The stairs ended up up in front of a locked GLASS DOOR...whereas the lift went internally - into the flat.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not want to get stuck in any sort of lift...private or not, with ILL CULT I will have to state quite firmly that I will be taking the stairs.

This is all a bit risky...but I shall book an appointment all the same...i can back out - if needs be.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is the message that I have sent to CONNELLS:

"I would like to view the above flat - at the earliest possible, convenient time.

Please answer via email and NOT by mobile."

I have also ticked a box to say that I do NOT want my property valued.

Black Rabbit said...

i remember now - MARK R had written this very DODGY description of the flat (why did I want to type DOGE?):

Property description

C Central is a contemporary, mixed use, �10 million development in the centre of Clacton with Travelodge, Costa Coffee on the ground floor and new restaurant for Clacton. We offer 7 Luxury penthouses for sale, with far reaching views over the sea, town and miles around.


C Central is a contemporary, mixed use, �10 million development in the centre of Clacton with Travelodge, Costa Coffee on the ground floor and new restaurant for Clacton. We offer 7 Luxury penthouses for sale, with far reaching views over the sea, town and miles around. These flatsare unrivalled in terms of accommodation and value.
Technical Specifications
Ideal Standard Concept range; Concept close coupled Wc c/w cube cistern, Concept cube basin c/w full height pedestal, Concept bath, Bathrooms are fully height tiled to showers and half height tiled to remainder complete with chrome edging trim.
Electrical Installations
Multimedia plates installed in living areas, Dimmable low voltage spotlights installed to living areas, Low voltage spotlights installed to hallways, Pelmet lighting to kitchen wall units.
Kitchens & Appliances
high gloss white kitchens complete with 'Blackstone' laminated worktop and nickel effect door handles, 1.5 Stainless steel sink & drainer, Chrome luxury monobloc mixer tap, Stainless steel front integrated fan assist oven, Integrated ceramic electric hob complete with stainless steel splashbacks, Stainless steel 'chimney style' extractor.
Entrance doors are steel faced security doors complete with 3 point security lock, viewer and chain, Entry buzzer system, Windows are 'modern' aluminum frames on a tilt & turn opening system offering greater flexibility and easier to clean, Wipe-able vinyl matt emulsion: painted white to walls& ceilings, Carpet to bedrooms, Ceramic tiling to kitchen and bathroom floors, Oak faced laminate doors:skirting and architrave will be painted satin white.
1. Money Laundering Regulations - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.

Black Rabbit said...

"6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor."

i remember now - in 2004 - the REBEL GROUP checked this flat out and there were some very good reasons as to why it was still on the market...probably to do with the small print - see above.

Black Rabbit said...

Plus the fact that the electrics probably won't work until the whole place is re-wired...that sort of thing.

Black Rabbit said...

The network is saying:

"A booby-trapped flat"

Black Rabbit said...

In point of fact - nobody had ever heard of the 'verification' clause before and it required several visits to solicitors/lawyers in order to work out what that one actually meant...

I cannot remember now, what they found out...but I can guess that it meant 'something to do with VERICORP' and a massive payment.

Black Rabbit said...

So, no - i won't be MOVING in there, MARK R (as in 'moving to the last stage') - but I might as well have a look at it, eh?

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, - I 'saw' the future on this one...I turned up to view in 2009...and the 'team' there had deliberately misread my online form and had a lot of papers on evaluating my property...and were trying to bully me into letting them do so. I made a quick exit.

Additionally, I also had a 'flash' of what the ILL CULT would do to anybody who bought that flat.

Imagine you are in the heart of winter - it is late in the evening and suddenly ALL of the electrics go are in the dark and the cold...then MARK R and his team started piping through a hidden tannoy in the ventilation system:

"WHOOOO...OOOOOOO" in a ghostly way...

Black Rabbit said...

No wonder nobody has bought that flat and since 2004.

GREEN would have been indubitably put through the same treatment, if he had bought that flat.

Black Rabbit said...

I mean - 'been given it for services rendered' by the PRINCES/MARK R and CO...

Black Rabbit said...

So this was the last stage, was it?

So how come SCARLETT told me to 'hang on' in this flat until FEBRUARY?

Was FEBRUARY 2010 a sort of 'all-clear sign' that BLUBEAM and TITANIC etc...all of the ILL CULT plans had now been foiled and dealt with?

Black Rabbit said...

The views from that flat are fabulous in terms of the can imagine the sunsets with the sea upon the horizon...

Black Rabbit said...

...but you really wouldn't want to live there.

No wonder it is going for less than £100,000

Black Rabbit said...


The DUKE or would that be DUCK OF DARKNESS?

I cannot believe the last statement below…but I can, I can…

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Doge (disambiguation).
Doge (plural dogi or doges) is a dialectal Italian word that descends from the Latin dux (as does the English duke and the standard Italian duce), meaning "leader", especially in a military context. The wife of a Doge is styled a Dogaressa.
The title of Doge was used for the elected chief of state in a number of Italian "crowned republics". The two best known such republics were Venice (where he was called a Doxe) and Genoa, which rivaled each other, and the other regional great powers, by building their historical city-states into maritime, commercial, and territorial mini-empires.
Another Italian republic styled most serene republic, was minute and virtually insignificant. It was named after its capital city Senarica, west of Teramo (in Abruzzo) on Central Italy's Adriatic coast. Senarica also elected dogi, possibly annually, from 1343 until its annexation to the Neapolitan kingdom of Sicily in 1797.
In some of his writings, Theodor Herzl proposed the title of "Doge" for the Head of the Jewish State he envisioned; however, the actual State of Israel did not follow this idea by the founder of Zionism.

Black Rabbit said...

In some of his writings, Theodor Herzl proposed the title of "Doge" for the Head of the Jewish State he envisioned; however, the actual State of Israel did not follow this idea by the founder of Zionism.

Was THEODOR HERZL (father of the modern state of ISRAEL) programmed out of his head by the ITALIAN JESUITS?

Answers on a postcard...

Black Rabbit said...



Black Rabbit said...




Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...

"The ducks of darkness"

Is that all the 'duckpond' was?

Black Rabbit said...

Oh my goodness...look at the RED PIECES...just look at all of those RED PIECES:

Looking down the list of DOGES of GENOA - who wasn't a RED PIECE?

Black Rabbit said...

The GENOA DOGES...the weird thing is that MARK R showed me the photograph of:

Fortezza genovese a Sudak, Ucraina

I suppose that means in the UKRAINE...and I said 'where is it?'

As in the fortress...MARK R just was it inside of the mountain?

Black Rabbit said...

Is this about GENOESE FORTRESSES in general? I think that it is...

JESUIT bases?

Was that BEKS base in Northern Turkey the same sort of looked very much like the same sort of thing...

Black Rabbit said...

"File links
There are no pages on Wikimedia Commons that link to this file. Some pages on other Wikimedia projects may link to it."

Isn't the above weird?

Why is the JPG on 'COMMONS' then?

Because MARK R put it there...

What does this mean:


The permission for use of this work has been verified and archived in the Wikimedia OTRS system.
It is available as ticket #2007122510005609 for users with an OTRS account. To confirm the permission, please contact someone with an OTRS account or leave a note at the OTRS noticeboard.
Ticket link:

Black Rabbit said...

These TICKETS are only for ILL CULT programmers - who can use the above photographs as programming materials?

February 1, 2009: A large number of tickets older than 30 days were accidentally deleted from the database. Recovery from backups will be attempted on the live DB.

January 30, 2009: OTRS has been upgraded to version 2.4. We have also moved it to a new dedicated server, and changed the URL to

January 29, 2009: OTRS 2.4 test server set up

Black Rabbit said...


The NY 'CRAZY COMPANY' were here...I recognise the the JESUITS were in the Castle built by Mehmet II
Posted in Istanbul on September 19, 2006 by DHH

Black Rabbit said...

ancient Genoese
899 x 686 - 178k genoese-fortress
500 x 375 - 130k - jpg
travellingcam... Genoese fortress
640 x 478 - 78k - jpg century Genoese
300 x 225 - 18k - jpg
Find similar images nurlida's FotoPage
640 x 480 - 80k century Genoese
400 x 275 - 23k - jpg
Find similar images Genoese Fortress
480 x 320 - 50k - jpg

Genoese fortress
640 x 478 - 96k - jpg A Genoese Fortress
300 x 294 - 30k - jpg ancient Genoese
210 x 160 - 23k Genoese Fortress,
400 x 283 - 15k - jpg
worldmysteries9... Genoese Fortress,
400 x 282 - 22k - jpg
worldmysteries9... The Genoese
400 x 264 - 30k - jpg Genoese Fortress
640 x 425 - 124k

Genoese fortress
200 x 302 - 65k - jpg Venetian or Genoese
604 x 225 - 27k - jpg and the Genoese
158 x 121 - 11k - jpg from the Genoese
320 x 226 - 20k - jpg Genoese fortresses
300 x 200 - 22k - jpg century Genoese
450 x 160 - 19k - jpg and Genoese
800 x 273 - 60k - jpg

Black Rabbit said...

The DUKES OF AMALFI aren't looking good either but the RED PIECES fizzle out, early on...

Black Rabbit said...

This list is remarkably 'clean' of RED PIECES but they got infiltrated by the 18th Century.

Black Rabbit said...

Another ILL CULT job - referring to TOMLINSON's death on CAPITOL HILL...

...and MARK R wanted me to trip and fall into the HORSE DUNG as 'April'...f*** off.

Black Rabbit said...

...and a bunch of really sick murderers, making really nasty comments underneath...the ILL CULT exposed.

Black Rabbit said...

Let us expose a few of them:

MARK R was 'john cena':

Cena_mark says:

August 14th, 2006 at 11:56 pm
There is a war going on. Our leader John Cena’s father was assaulted by Edge, and the Chain Gang isnt going to idolly sit back. So Josh I’m demanding that you do something useful for a change and start dedicating your blog to the Chain Gang. We need to rally up the Chain Gang Soldiers so we can represent. We need all the help we can get at Summerslam, and Josh you and all your readers have just been drafted into the Chain Gang.

Black Rabbit said...


Black Rabbit said...


Fred P. says:

August 14th, 2006 at 10:58 pm
Okay, I’m willing to entertain the notion that Lottie is biologically female, despite visual evidence to the contrary. And I’ll believe that if you bust off a round right over the heads of generals or cops or whatever, they’ll just stand there looking constipated instead of clapping their hands over their ears and saying “DAMNNNN that was loud!” But white surrender flags flying over our capitol? No, friends, that -THAT- I cannot let pass. Not with the GOP on the beat protecting our freedoms from evildoers!

Also, I’m no expert on ballistics, but in panel I it sure does look like Lottie just tagged Al with a squirt gun.

Black Rabbit said...


BEG says:

August 15th, 2006 at 1:07 am
#11: The general reason you’d want to be able to hear around horses is so that you remain aware of where they are…so you don’t bloody get kicked in the head for not paying attention to them!

That said, I rather liked the foob strip today. Although I admit the “trip” thing is a bit weird.

I want to just kick MW, though. If I ever came across a volunteer moaning platitudes like that while visiting my young relative in the hospital (leukemia), I’d fucking kick her in the fat ass. There’s something about do-gooder white middle class voluteer bitches that make my teeth just grind. Stop with the poking your noses in other peoples’ shit already…


Black Rabbit said...


35.ginevra says:

August 15th, 2006 at 7:26 am
This Lottie character looks entirely too ‘I ate all the pies!’ jolly to have just shot someone off the Capitol building.

Although really, a female Hasselhof-Leno melding breaks most of the rules of the universe too, so I should just give up now.

Black Rabbit said...


TheMagicMel says:

August 15th, 2006 at 8:46 am
Marc, all Patterfoob women are destined to a zombie-eyed, large bottomed, frumpy fate, no matter how roadside they are. Lizardbreath went through a little crop-shirt hottie period in college there herself before the Granny Clampett set in.

As for Dick Tracy, all I can think about is that Phantom of the Opera song…” Little Lottie, let her mind wander, Little Lottie thought: am I fonder of goblins or shoes, etc” I’ll be singing that all day now.

Black Rabbit said...

Most of these comments were written by the ROYAL FAMILY and their associates in the ARISTOCRACY whilst off their heads upon drugs -welcome to ILL CULT world - this is the way that they 'think' and how they 'communicate' to each other.

Study and learn.

Black Rabbit said...


Pendragon says:

August 15th, 2006 at 5:34 pm
To quote Eric Idle, “What a silly bunt!”

Black Rabbit said...

So what is the difference between BULLCRAP and BEARCRAP?

MARK R put these sites together:

480 x 359 - 72k - jpg
Find similar images are rolling in bear
500 x 332 - 45k - jpg
felberfrolics... are rolling in bear
500 x 332 - 90k - jpg
felberfrolics... small parking lot,
433 x 383 - 51k - jpg
naturalnotes3... To: Lucky9teen
480 x 359 - 124k - jpg To: WVKayaker
479 x 358 - 124k - jpg Finally, a vice
390 x 289 - 30k

Does a bear crap in
286 x 400 - 46k - jpg Were the Iranian elections
320 x 239 - 28k - jpg bear crap bears eat
400 x 279 - 26k - jpg
Find similar images bear crap.jpg
445 x 158 - 24k - jpg one about the bear
3872 x 2592 - 5214k - jpg Does a bear crap in
448 x 308 - 66k - jpg DOES A BEAR CRAP IN
688 x 564 - 199k - jpg

to end up as Bear
373 x 406 - 36k - jpg Well this is kind of gross,
640 x 480 - 86k - jpg Of Bull Crap And Bear
450 x 336 - 51k - jpg bear crap… here is
300 x 400 - 104k - jpg
Find similar images Can a bear crap on
400 x 307 - 24k - jpg Of Bull Crap And Bear
450 x 285 - 28k - jpg Does a bear crap in
760 x 251 - 40k - png

Black Rabbit said...

...on a 'BEARCRAP' GOOGLE IMAGES SEARCH - see above.

Black Rabbit said...

The BEAR and the BULL markets...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can remember now what the ILL CULT were referring to in the above cartoon about 'April' falling into the horsedung and the horse laughing...

"Don't TRIP" an ILL CULT command to trip...see previous notes upon RIMINGTON on the stairs up the FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE.

Where was I supposed to 'trip'?

Over the bannister of that PENTHOUSE SUITE.

Who was supposed to laugh?


Well, as far as I can see - the last laugh is on him - and all around the internet.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, PRINCE WILLIAM peeing is still spreading like wildfire over the internet - despite some sites not showing the full picture...

I liked this caption best:

How does Prince William's Penis Make You Feel?

Holy royal willy batman! Will someone please tell me why Prince William is about to take a piss next to an electrified fence? My apologies if I covered the peen. I can't post genitalia on my site... however, click HERE or HERE to see Prince William's willy in its full glory.

SMOKE THAT COCK OUT. Why is he peeing as if he's holding his cock like a cigarette?

I don't know about you but I'm kinda disappointed. Why is he circumcised? Are the royals circumcised?

Team Harry forever!

Black Rabbit said...

10 out of 10 for observation.

I missed the ELECTRIC FENCE.

Black Rabbit said...

One Chinese or was it Malaysian site appeared to think that he wasn't circumcised.

Well, I do not know how you do 'circumcision' in the East but I have encountered enough Jooish 'Western' dicks to know that PRINCE WILLIAM is definitely circumcised in a JOOISH way...

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention this - with all of the other things that have happened recently...but I went back to the computer shop to buy computer paper.

I have got my old EPSON printer working again (good as new).

I met red-haired guy in there again and queried:

"You were the bloke you asked me to get coffees for your boss..." who was standing behind him in the workshop.

He professed not to remember anything at all (although his boss agreed with me - yes, it had happened - he obviously believed me)...I pushed the point, thanking him for the advice about EPSON files on the internet...and eventually red-haired guy had to concede, saying that he gave out so much advice that he couldn't remember whom he talked to in a day...he then gave me a wink with his RIGHT EYE.

Black Rabbit said...

A new BLOG OF NOTE today - mainly put together by ROS as ‘vikki’ - one of her favourite aliases…I remember giving her the word ‘diaphanous’ for the dress neckline of one WHITE WEDDING DRESS.

There are a lot of WHITE WEDDING DRESSES on show, upon this BLOG OF NOTE.

It made me think of the ILL corollary which is the SPANISH BLACK MANTILLA (black lace shawl).

I had remembered CHERIE BLAIR having to wear this at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

I then thought about the QUEEN/MARGARET THATCHER/PRINCESS DIANA all having to wear the same, whilst ‘in audience’ with the POPE. See previous notes upon the 9-11 jesuits entry upon wikipedia.

I ‘knew’ that this BLACK MANTILLA LACE appareil meant ‘widows weeds’ and that these woman had to wear it as a ‘formality’ but I couldn’t remember why…

Black Rabbit said...

I thought about LADY DIANA having been chosen to ‘come back’ during PROJECT BLUBEAM as the ‘BLACK GODDESS’.

I then thought about my time at DARTINGTON art college - and how I had dressed up a wedding cake in a white veil (with two gold-sprayed egg shells on the top) as a ‘sculpture‘…and a fellow art-student had commented upon the photographs of ‘WHITE WEDDINGS’ that I had in my possession at the time (rejects from the photography shop below where I lived - the manager had given them to me for ‘research’ - odd of MR GARDNER to do this but he was a very accommodating land-lord):

“…she is the WHITE GODDESS isn’t she…they are all WHITE GODDESSES…”

I had never ever thought of that…the term goddess in relation to the ‘bride’…an association that had never occurred to me…my friend explained…’it is her day, she is the queen, the goddess…it is her moment in the spotlight.”


Black Rabbit said...

I then looked up BLACK MANTILLA LACE upon a google images search:

Santísima Muerte (Holy Death) Altar Doll

This Holy Death doll has been completely handmade, hand sewn and hand painted by me. The doll, painted in vermilion red -its traditional colour – wears a black mantilla, the traditional Spanish lace shawl, made with antique fillet lace. Her crown, also made with black lace and gold netting, is ornate with purple and black feathers. She also wears red metallic bells as earrings and a double golden necklace with a dice and a heart charm. Including the feathers, the doll is about 20 cms. / 8 inches tall. She is stuffed with cotton and several herbs of her taste.
Yes, the Holy Death is a she, a Goddess of the passing of changes in our lives. In Mexico, where her cult originated from the pre-Hispanic goddess of the underworld, she is not feared but much loved and revered, and treated like a honour guest in every house where she resides. Black and red candles, red roses, candies, tobacco and tequila are the most used offerings for her, but as it happens in all Latin cults, complete feasts of cooked food and fruits are given to her on the Day Of The Dead (November 1 and 2)

Black Rabbit said...

So now I get it all…

Within PROJECT BLUBEAM - LADY DIANA is to be nothing more than a ‘holy alter death doll’ = the BLACK GODDESS.

It is a fusion of MEXICAN and HISPANIC religious cultures.

The Spanish Jesuitical Latin cult of the DAY OF THE DEAD.

Black Rabbit said...


I also know that 'john waters' was responsible for the above website and that he had made:

'dolly death'

Black Rabbit said...

You can then link into all sorts of SANTERIA sites (which they call HOODOO for some reason):

I remember now, PUTIN is ornamental elf doll:

The FAIRY FOLK set (secret order jesuits as far as i can remember)

This one is PETER SMITH as far as I can recall:

I was supposed to be 'creature from other world' with pink hair...i guess that the PINK PLANET was a big deal for a lot of people and 'john waters' had found out first...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can remember now - I had talked about my abuse at the PRAGUE DTO (at the hands of PETER SMITH DTOM in the main) and so the ALLO ALLO TEAM had put together:

Twisted Tree Troll with Frog

So SMITH was one of the 'WOOD'?

That would make him a BEK?

Who was the GREEN FROG he had caught?

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that the 'caught frog' was me.

Black Rabbit said...

The 'green frogs' - rather like those journalists that TOMLINSON murdered in the I was in danger, the whole time...and particularly from TOMLINSON.

Black Rabbit said...

i was on the effing front line of what these bastards were up to, wasn't I?

Black Rabbit said...

I Wash My Hands Among The Innocent

We have BATMAN in a CHILD ALTER (would that be PRINCE CHARLES) upon a RED swirling SWASTIKA of a JESUIT prayer book...and the caption says that he is an innocent and entirely misunderstood...

Black Rabbit said...

I 'sense' LADY DIANA is this one...

Franchesca Fairy Miniature Art Doll

The 'sparkely' blue dress gives you the clue...she wore one...anyway, the spelling of 'sparkely' also gives you a clue to her main programmer: ELY

Black Rabbit said...

The above type of 'shape' of dress (worn at a similar age) but of a slightly darker blue.

Black Rabbit said...

Look at the woman behind her - she looks as if she has seen a ghost...and more to the point - she looks like a MUNSTER.

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, the woman behind her has 'gravitas' in the way that 'barbie doll princess' doesn't...white pancake instead of fake tan...what is it about that 'older woman'?

I know - she reminds me of QUEEN ELIZABETH with brown eye contact lens in...she could be a stand-in for her...with a little 'tweaking' in the hair and make-up department.

Black Rabbit said...

This woman is called:

Pamela Harlech;Diana [RF: England RF]
England's Princess Diana (L) in short light blue beaded dress w. Lady Pamela Harlech at the Royal Albert Hall for a performance of Swan Lake by the English National Ballet.

Black Rabbit said...

On a related search I found another of MACDONALD's 'farm photography' sites:

The iceman cometh?

I would guess that these were shot between 1997-2000


Because I can remember the VERSAILLES photographs.

I was shown the spot in the gardens where LADY DIANA was supposed to have met her death (but didn't - another poor soul did).

This is a 'round trip' around the ILL CULT's most important programming sites in PARIS and LONDON.

Black Rabbit said...

They gave me the programming word


Not as you would normally pronounce it:


i suppose this was all around VERSE-SAY

...perhaps even:


Black Rabbit said...

MARK R decided to take a lot of the photographs off this site for some reason ("she won't bother to look down any further...")

Black Rabbit said...

"Buckingham Palace and its famous facade, though not many people know this facade actually dates back to only 1913."

Interesting...didn't MARK R tell me:

"It all began in 1913..."

Black Rabbit said...

Save the hotel LAMBERT?

Why? What is special about it?

Black Rabbit said...

The plans look like a FROG and and an EYE to me.

Black Rabbit said...

It's a wierd image...almost like a totem pole/Aztec design of a figure with fists clenched in front of it...with a 'lizard tail' behind.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just watched the second YOUTUBE CD fashion show video clip on the above website.


A bunch of 'VERSAILLE court lady' outfits...many of which look like wedding dresses.

The dresses appear to have a life of their own - it was difficult not to see them as 'jellyfish' marching down the only the way that a jellyfish could do...

The women certainly didn't look as if it were the 'best day of their lives'. Miserable looking - 'JACK FROST' make-up...pancake white.

Plus they appear to have been chosen for androgynous bone structures...most had a very masculine jawline.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember MARK and SONIA telling me that they had once attended a 'models' bash' - a big party in AUSTRALIA somewhere...and they both told me that 'models' were a different race to the rest of an 'alien species' almost.

For example - they tended to have tiny feet in relation to their height.

For example - if you are nearly 6 foot or should be taking a man's size in shoes, for 'stability'.

Look at JULIA ROBERTS who takes a size of shoe, proportionate to her height and then somebody like SOPHIE DAHL.

You need about a size 8 or 9 in shoe if you are that tall...yet most models appear to claim to take only a size 5.

Black Rabbit said...

One wonders if this isn't a case of the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT at work...

Black Rabbit said...

Is foot-binding alive and well in certain quarters?

SONIA and MARK told me that the models whom they had met...were 'tiny' in terms of waists, in terms of bone was simply that they were very tall...

Black Rabbit said...

This PCWORLD email has gone into SPAM - how odd is that?

The last emails went into my INBOX - therefore it has a dodgy attachment which I will have to open at the library.

Alternatively I could simply write back to them and say ‘look, your last email went into my SPAM box and I am unhappy about opening it - in case it has an attachment which might damage my computer - please re-send your email.”

Customer Services - PC World Business
Tue, 24/11/09 246KB

In fact that is what I have just done and then deleted the email without opening it.


YELL.COM update:



Black Rabbit said...

Having checked my email - I have no appointment as yet, with CONNELLS to view that PENTHOUSE APARTMENT at the top of TRAVELODGE.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention that a few days ago - I had a 'flash' of J K ROWLING.

She has been cut off - without a penny - no more money from any 'HARRY POTTER' sales.

She was then told by her programmers that if she wanted any more money for jewels/costly dresses/holidays etc then she would really have to put pen to paper and to come up with a marketable piece of work.

I 'saw' her - sitting her a white shirt and black jumper...trying to think of something...anything to write...but not a jot came...not one iota of an idea...hardly surprising since she has never ever had to write anything in her life - so not even a case of 'being out of practice'.

Anyway, yesterday I read on TWITTER that ROWLING had started her own account...

I looked at it...yes, she was wearing the same clothes and seated at the same desk...I then remembered that it was DALDRY and CO who had sat her down there for the photograph and told her the above...

They had also opened the TWITTER account for her...she couldn't even think up ideas of 'twit' about.

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