Wednesday, 27 December 2006

Richard Tomlinson and the Russians.

1. 1979 - Powergen, Solihull:

The young British Intelligence recruits entering this building, had no idea of the hell that lay before them. No idea that they would be forced to become slaves to a demonic, mind control program; run by MI6 and sanctioned by Royal Arch Freemasonry. No idea that they would be forced to sign the Masonic 'Sat B'hai' contract and swear allegiance to the Monarchy rather than to the UK State. No idea at all, in fact.

The Powergen building was mostly unoccupied in 1979. Only a few Powergen employees worked in the building, which was almost deserted. The car park was nearly empty for the whole of that year. The third floor was reserved for 'Special Government Projects' and no Powergen employee was allowed entry.

To outsiders, the young people who entered this building each day, looked like a relatively normal, young bunch of Powergen graduate recruits and so nothing out of the usual.

At 21 years old, Richard Tomlinson was one of the graduate intake onto this course - most of the recruits were aged between 18 and 21 years old. Tomlinson was to begin his training here, to become an MI6 Officer later on, in his military career. The others were being trained to be run as agents of the 'Crown'.

It was at Powergen in 1979, that Richard Tomlinson was first shown a passport photograph of Vladimir Putin.

Rimington, Manningham-Buller and Scarlett showed the graduate trainees and each Delta (espionage and assassination) team, a selection of four b/w passport photos. The recruits were informed that the four KGB men in the photos were:

'Your counterparts in the KGB'.

The recruits were under the impression that these young, Russian KGB agents were supposed to be the 'enemy' or 'rivals' despite Manningham-Buller's 'communist' training i.e. during her Russian and Political History classes.

What was 'real' communism, according to Manningham-Buller?

It began with 'Guardianship' by those who were 'born to rule'. They were the self-elected custodians of British society who could decide what was in their people's best interests.

To summarise: a benevolent dictatorship.

This was personified by Manningham-Buller demanding that each of her classes stand to attention and do a Nazi salute as she walked in the door, before she would begin the lesson.

Important note: the b/w passport photographs had been supplied by one of Oleg Gordievsky's contacts. Gordievsky was a Royal Arch Freemason and one of the Russian Chapter. He had negotiated photographs of the new Royal Arch Freemasonry recruits, within the KGB - to be sent to MI5.

2. 1980: Russian Monastery Compound, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem.

Vladimir Putin and the other KGB Royal Arch Freemasons, stayed within this high-security compound. It was run as a nunnery (it still is today) but is generally known by the Russian Orthodox church to be a 'spy-centre', and is currently being run by an ex-FSB Head.

The British Intelligence recruits mainly stayed at the 'Youth Hostel' behind the St John Church in the centre of Ein Kerem. It is located partly up the mountain which overshadows the town and it backs onto a pine forest.

Even today, there are still 'guard dog' signs and barbed wire everywhere, around this building and locals say that it is not possible to book as an ordinary tourist. It was reserved for 'special groups' of young people, internationally in 1979 and has been for many years. Recently, the whole building has changed hands and is now being renovated into flats, in order to be sold off. How times have changed.

Beside the main building of the youth hostel, there are two hexagonal buildings - architecturally, rather like geometric mushrooms. This is where the British graduate trainees were lodged: Richard Tomlinson, Andrew Marr and Stephen Daldry.

In the evenings, the 'graduates' would sit on the verandah of these buildings with their KGB Russian counterparts; to smoke, drink vodka and shoot the breeze. None of them could hold a conversation in Russian apart from Tomlinson, who did his best to act as interpreter for the whole group.

Together, they looked like ingenues, trying desperately to live up to their programming as 'Illuminists' i.e. their predecessors - the colonials of the 'enlightenment' period who had ruled the world by their supposed, innate superiority and worldliness.

This was to be the very first meeting of many, between Richard Tomlinson and Vladimir Putin. The latter was quite a few years his senior at 26/7 years old but much younger looking.

3. 1993 - Poland

Vladimir Putin had lost his job as KGB controller of the Stasi in East Berlin. There was a famine in St Petersburg and the KGB owed their employees several months of salaries. Whole families were starving in the cities (foodstuffs had been held up in the ports) and Vladimir Putin's own family was no exception to this rule.

John Scarlett (MI6 Moscow Station) made a deal with Mr Putin in Poland. They knew each other relatively well (dating back to 1979 in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem) and both were Royal Arch Freemasons.

Poland had become a trading ground for potential Russian dissidents, to sell whatever they could lay their hands on, to the West. Almost every intelligence agency had descended upon Poland to buy whatever they needed and the amount of wheeler-dealing and double-dealing which was going on, had reached fever pitch. It was almost laughable.

No one really knew who was working for which agency or which agency was allied to whom, in what turned out to be a 'smash and grab' bun fight. One could name MI5, MI6, the CIA and the IRA as but a few in this free-for-all; the desperate dash to acquire information, drugs, guns - you name it. Just about every intelligence agency and mafia organisation was in on the game. Everything was on sale.

What was the deal that Scarlett struck with Putin?

Putin needed safe passage for himself and his family out of a situation in St Petersburg which was rapidly deteriorating. Scarlett had agreed to set up a new identity for him in the UK as a teacher of German (Putin had native-speaker fluency) in exchange for...well, this bit is unclear. Scarlett already had all of the information that he needed from Mr Putin, on the Royal Arch Freemasonry network. However, he agreed to take Mr Putin and his eldest daughter back to the UK and rescue his wife and younger daughter at a later date.

Scarlett was to renege on this deal. Why? MI5 (for reasons of their own) had decided to torture and then murder Mr Putin as soon as he set foot on British soil. He was dispensible. They had most of the information that they needed and were not going to honour any deal.

The upshot of all of this, was that when Mr Putin learnt of British Intelligence's real agenda, he called the deal off and returned to Russia.

So far, so simple, except that there was one complicating factor: Royal Arch Freemasonry.

Mr Putin had been part of the Russian Chapter and he had been sorely let down by his British counterparts. In addition, he had been under MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry Illuminati mind control since 1979 and had been one of their operatives within the KGB until 1994.

Why 1994?

Because this was the year when MI6/Illuminati laptops began to disappear in Europe. Mr Putin was beginning to work it all out and as a consequence, was tracking down the MI6 Senior Officers who held the colour-coded information of the tailored mind control programmes for their officers and agents, within their laptops (electronic locks that weren't supposed to be unlockable but were in fact, quite easy to crack by the KGB). Once the codes are broken, it is relatively simple to control any of the operatives listed (as well as guess how to control others who were 'indoctrinated' in a similar way) and then to turn them against their 'masters'.

See for details of the 'typewriter' code at the old, British prison in Jerusalem: it accounts for 10 different branches of Royal Arch Freemasonry-infiltrated British Intelligence departments since 1945. The KGB Royal Arch Freemasons were one of these departments, in this tarantula-like Masonic organisation which has been strangling the world, since the last days of the British Empire.

Those within British Intelligence who were not Royal Arch Freemasons, had no real idea of what was going on at all. If they did manage to catch a 'Russian spy' within their midst, it was because the Royal Arch Freemasons had deemed this person expendable and had then fed him or her to the fishes. Think Burgess, Maclean etc and you will get the picture. Blunt escaped such censorship and hounding. He was a 'master' of Royal Arch Freemasonry.

One of the most sinister departments of Royal Arch Freemasonry/British Intelligence is the 'ZKTZ' - to be found on the list of codes on the British typewriter in Jerusalem 'British prison' museum. This prison was run by the British, who had forced Jews and Arabs to man their 'Palestinian Police' station.

(Zayin, Chet, Tzadik, in Hebrew) = the code for 'zygote':

The Royal Genome project

In brief, Vladmir Putin had been chosen as a DNA sperm donor within this Royal 'zygote' project and had then been ordered by the Masonic body to copulate with various British female agents, whilst in Berlin. The zygotes were then 'collected' and the young woman involved, was subsequently murdered. Stephen Daldry had organised various victims to be sent to Berlin for exactly this purpose. He has also boasted of listening to them (bugged rooms) being murdered, during this period. Cameras were also placed in the TV sets for the Royal Arch Freemasons to view afterwards - in essence, 'snuff movies'.

By 1993, the Royal Arch Freemasons had no further use for Mr Putin in terms of information or DNA and therefore, he was expendable - Royal Arch Freemason or not.

Additionally, during 1994 - a 'diamonds' operation under the supervision of John Scarlett, went awry. The goods disappeared somewhere in Bosnia and therefore someone in British Intelligence, had to carry the can. See for details.

4. 1995 - MI6 HQ, London.

Richard Tomlinson was sacked from MI6 on undisclosed charges. He escaped the country and went on the run, eventually turning up again with a mysterious Russian publishing house, in order to publish his autobiography 'The Big Breach' in 2001.

What had happened in the interim?

5. 2003 - Shanghai, China

On Manningham-Buller's orders: Andrew Marr (and several other British Intelligence operatives) kidnapped and tortured an ex-agent of theirs in France. The motive behind this was to force the agent back under mind control ( the agent was an ex-Royal Arch Freemason who had gone AWOL), in order to take an MI5 message to China.

Why China?

An 'educational conference' had been arranged at Jiao Tong University, Shanghai to improve Russian-Chinese relations. Except that there was no publicity for it, nationally or internationally and no reports published afterwards.

Nineteen, armoured cars turned up to this 'discreet' event containing the Russian contingent of nearly 100 participants, who then stayed for three weeks at the University's Academic Centre Hotel.

The campus was cordoned off throughout this period by Chinese tanks, armed guards and soldiers. Funnily enough, this 'educational conference' which includedVladimir Putin amongst the distinguished guests, was not mentioned in the international press. However, this was the time of the SARS epidemic in China and therefore, there were not many foreign reporters on the ground, in Shanghai.

Back-tracking: Richard Tomlinson was present at the torture of this agent in France 2002 and was also to attend the 'meeting' which took place in China. In short, he had been instructed to oversee the whole operation. Tomlinson was not allowed to know the message until it had been safely delivered to Mr Putin in China. He was however, present at the time that the message was given.

The operation was code-named 'METE'.

The gist of OP METE was as follows:

The implantation of a nuclear bomb (ESSO were employed to do the drilling) between the tectonic plates under the seabed - just off Aceh, Indonesia.

MI5 were to send a military ship into the area after the explosion had occurred, in order to check radiation levels. They had miscalculated. The radiation levels are now affecting all of the surrounding islands, including the Arabian peninsular.

The explosion occurred on the 26th December 2004.

In addition, the agent who had been sent with the message, had worked for Richard Tomlinson in eastern Europe 1992-1995 and had known him for years. The agent had also met Mr Putin many times during 1993-1996.

The agent told President Putin and Richard Tomlinson the message, concerning 'OP METE' .

Manningham-Buller had also ordered the agent (according to Marr's instructions) to return to Russia and then to attempt to assassinate President Putin. Why? The agent could only guess that even attempting to carry out such an order would have resulted in instant death. This would have been an ideal way to dispose of the 'messenger'.

Unfortunately for Manningham-Buller, Chinese surveillance had recorded the meeting between Mr Putin, Richard Tomlinson and the agent in question. They were to question the agent later on with the CIA present, who subsequently confirmed the information, in interview.

Indonesian Intelligence were duly warned and took action by taking out large insurance claims with British companies just before the event (mainly on the same day beforehand, in order to get the claims through without creating suspicion and UK firms backing out of the deal), in relation to the areas and buildings that the tsunami would hit.

The authors do not know whether or not it might have been possible to dismantle the bomb instead, but think that it was probably not technically possible. They hope that this was the case.

What is known is that Vladimir Putin is no longer a Royal Arch Freemasonry member. Can the same be said to be true of Richard Tomlinson? His current battle against SIS would suggest that he too, has broken free of MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry mind control programming.


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Black Rabbit said...

I meant 'to tweet' about...why did I write 'of twit'?

Black Rabbit said...

I remember...the 'UPPERCLASS TWIT' who created TWITTER...

Black Rabbit said...

Last night I had a really odd dream of the PRINCES who had shown me a file which showed how similar their genetic codes were to GREEN's...yes, I knew that you were running you tell everybody that you run that they are 'family' in a genetic sense?

Black Rabbit said...

Rather like MACDONALD then in relation to myself...calling me 'little sis'...

SHANA had taken DNA swabs from that computer room and found out that we were NOT 'brother and sister' even though, in SHANGHAI 2003...I had related to MACDONALD as such...'he's just like my younger brother'.

Black Rabbit said...

So who is fooling who, here - GENERAL HOAG's son?

Black Rabbit said...

I have no idea but I think that it is worth a mention...

MACDONALD's last 'KING HAS A BEER' cartoon on YOUTUBE where he puts up the face of the man who was supposed to be running us all - as the KING's alter ego...

In the latest issue of PRIVATE EYE...we have a similar looking man...called MR MANN...heavily involved in that nefarious plot with MARGARET THATCHER's son...

Could they be one and the same?

Black Rabbit said...

PRIVATE EYE has a much younger looking photograph of SIMON MANN than the recent one upon this article:

Simon Mann names Sir Mark Thatcher as coup plotter

Simon Mann, the Old Etonian mercenary, has placed Sir Mark Thatcher right at the heart of the plot to overthrow the President of the oil-rich Equatorial Guinea in 2004.

In electrifying testimony before a court in the tiny West African state yesterday, Mann flatly contradicted Sir Mark’s insistence that he knew nothing about the attempted coup d’état and gave money unwittingly.

Mann said that he recruited the former Prime Minister’s son and took him to London to be vetted by Ely Calil, the Lebanese-Nigerian tycoon whom he identified as the “boss” of the whole operation. After that, he said, Sir Mark was “not just an investor. He came on board completely and became part of the management team”, attending many meetings. He named Sir Mark as one of five men “in charge of the operation”.

Black Rabbit said...


Colour-coded LILAC within the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - at a push - can we say that ELY CALIL was also LADY DIANA's programmer?

I had a 'flash' yesterday of the PRINCE OF MONACO telling her that she now had to leave...he couldn't keep her, anymore...she immediately made plans to go to SAUDI ARABIA - her 'best friends'. They accepted the self-invitate, with amusement - of course, she was always welcome.

Black Rabbit said...

EVIL KITTIES (as NIR's mother and the NY 'CRAZY COMPANY' were to call the SAUDIS).

TOBY MACKLIN got the wrong end of the stick and in a big way...I hadn't made a cultural faut pas...I had made an unwitting 'joke' in a way...

It is all about the MEDIUM.

I had 'scanned' that entire SAUDI PALACE...and I had noted that in the ROYAL MALE TOILET that there was a roll of PINK TOILET PAPER upon a roller to the right of the toilet.

Now, in the women's quarter - there was no such thing - you had to wash afterwards.

Therefore in telepathic 'war' between myself and the SAUDIS - whilst being made to eat a plate of 100 or so MUSTARD SEEDS...

When told that I was being culturally offensive (telepathically) by the SAUDIS...

i got annoyed and flashed back an image of their PINK TOILET ROLL by the Royal toilet...and telepathically informed them that I also used toilet paper and that therefore, my left hand was NOT dirty.

Black Rabbit said...

However, thinking about it now...that wasn't the SAUDIS toilet was it?

That was the UBER programmer's toilet...that belonged to the BRITISH CROWN.

Black Rabbit said...

This is all becoming more of a farce...a sort of 'spy who shagged me' story - rather than JAMES BOND but the craziness escalates, when you get into the subject of remote-viewing and telepathic warfare...

Black Rabbit said...

For example, in a child alter - you notice things that others wouldn't...

The JELLYFISH on the catwalk for example...that was me in a frozen stage of my young life...watching the walking jellyfish dresses...the faces, didn't interest me.

I can also remember now how I saw the ELECTRIFIED FENCE when MACDONALD first showed me that pic of PRINCE WILLIAM exposing himself...the penis shot didn't interest me at all...what interested me was the fence...

This was because on childhood family holidays in Switzerland and upon our long alpine walks...we often passed fields of cows with those electrified fences...and I liked to touch them to 'test' them...

I remember doing this three times once...I had a sort of 'compulsion' to do it...I must have been trying to retrieve the memory of having been electrocuted so many times, during programming...but was really going the wrong way about it...

My father then got annoyed with me and told me to stop it, sharply.

Okay, so it wasn't a dangerous current - only enough to make a cow back off...the SWISS would never have been allowed to put actively dangerous currents through those wires...

...and I walked away knowing that I had kept my memories...before and after the event, of touching the electrified wire...

Black Rabbit said...

i forgot to point out that we were all at that CD fashion show...I was sitting next to AMADEUS and he asked me what I thought of the show...I pointed to the dresses and told him that they looked like JELLYFISH down the catwalk...he told me that you mustn't point, in such a show...against the rules.

Black Rabbit said...

...and somebody knew about that whole experience at ACORN of the art teachers...he and the resident- whom he was looking after that day - they then put a JELLYFISH upon the YELLOWBRICK ROAD of the large painting of ACORN VILLAGES, their staff, residents and their houses...I found that killingly funny.

They then put up a UFO over the image that TONY GREEN had chosen to represent himself...he had represented himself as a flying angel...they had put a tractor beam on him from the UFO...everybody found that one hilarious (apart from TONY).

Black Rabbit said...

PAT ANDREW had put up two men in BLACK BOWLER HATS 'to represent you and me' she said...I was non-plussed at the time...

I now understand it - she was saying:

...'we are like the two duff detectives from the TIN-TIN series, spying on the ILL cult'.

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that like myself - and probably earlier on - PAT ANDREW had made contact with the CID detectives at some point, in relation to the ILL CULT.

I had chosen my time to do so, rather well - in relation to that NAKED PHOTO of about 100 people in that LONDON park...the whole thing was teetering upon WACO in relation to mobile phone programming and 'uncontrollable events' in the public domain and the POLICE were interested in what I could tell them...

Black Rabbit said...

I have been aware of the SAUDIS upon the telepathic networks for some time now and they do tend to act like EVIL KITTIES...they tend to do what they did to MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER...and they can do it 'anywhere in the world'...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can remember a bit more now about ZOO-PLA which was one of MARK R's ideas...and CONNELLS who are currently handling the PENTHOUSE SUITE flat at the top of TRAVELODGE, Clacton.

Look at the TSUNAMI LOGO.

MARK R pointed it out to me in relation to the next photograph in the photostream which is of the TRAVELODGE building.

He told me 'the tsunami will be higher than the TRAVELODGE'.

The TRAVELODGE is even taller than the MAGNET Social Services of the tallest buildings in the centre of CLACTON so you can imagine what MARK R was hoping for in relation to melting the polar icecap...

So I get a monstrous view of the tsunami as it comes over CLACTON (if I were to take that flat)...whilst the ROYALS and their weasely friends hit MARK R's submarine-iceberg in their TITANIC...yes, I can now see how it was all going to play out.

Black Rabbit said...

I also had a 'flash' yesterday of the ROYALS being 'arrested' by MI6...or let us say, being taken away by them for questioning and/or reprogramming.

PRINCE WILLIAM was telepathically telling them all to 'play dead' and 'we'll get 'em in the end'...he has set his heart upon the BLACK GODDESS/LADY DIANA 'end of times' scenario...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - somebody just rang my flat - via the telecom system and I didn't answer it.

They then appeared to manage to get in - I heard the front door of the building open and close with a bang.

The time was 11:16

This happened at around the same time yesterday.

Again I didn't answer it. I only answer if I am expecting somebody to call - for safety reasons.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I have just watched 'part 2' of Monty Python's 'the spanish inquisition' upon YOUTUBE.

I remember watching this with various members of BI in 2004 (possibly MI5 - not sure or MI6) and after viewing it they said:

"Now we have got it all"

They had particularly picked upon on the word GILL and GILL-BRACKEN or something like that...

One can see that the whole excerpt was chock-a-block with programming word references...

Black Rabbit said...

Black Rabbit said...

"The fish breathes through the GILLS"

Something that RICCI had used as a programming command in relation to the GILL family i.e. you are only alive upon account of them...

Black Rabbit said...

So what are we looking at here?

Corruption at the highest levels...the JUDGES and their relationship to the SPANISH INQUISITION...and SOUTH AFRICA...

Black Rabbit said...

Not the MORMONS then - as SHANA had mooted...after various 'leads'...

For example that CHILDREN'S BOOK about 'monsters' upon an island that had been used as programming materials at the Templar Castle...and my father's many trips to SALT LAKE CITY...

Black Rabbit said...

"He's got a Chinese bit..."

TOBY/RORY MACKLIN's father had a 'Chinese bit' in LONDON...his housekeeper...

Was their father really a JUDGE?

Black Rabbit said...

So let me see...the SPANISH INQUISITION were the 'torture squad' of the JUDGES?


Black Rabbit said...


Somebody has rung my doorbell yet again...naturally, I will not answer it.

Black Rabbit said...

Yet again...another telecom bleep...

Black Rabbit said...

I am currently looking through MONTY PYTHON videos on YOUTUBE about the SPANISH INQUISITION - is this some sort of a joke?

Black Rabbit said...

The front door has clanked yet whoever it is, has been let in...

Black Rabbit said...


Would you like to know how to spot a JESUIT-programmed slave?

This is really gross ha, ha - but it is a physical identification factor which will help you to identify them:

They have a BLACK EYE tattooed just inside of their rectum - by the anal rim.

Yes, I saw a couple of policemen, who shall not be named…one of them showed the other, this very symbol.
…but then I am the ALL-SEEING EYE and they are not…I do NOT see out of my anus…I see through my eyes…and not in a demonic way.

Black Rabbit said...

I would guess that DAVID MILIBAND has one of these...I had a 'flash' of him causing big problems...he cannot understand why he can't keep the money that he stole from ILL SLAVES...he keeps on saying that he earnt it.

You earnt it by ARSE-LICKING - that isn't a 'proper job' MILIBAND - that is what one might term an 'adults-only recreational practice'.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just received an NPOWER ELECTRICITY bill for £43.22.

It is for the period:

18 sept - 3 nov 2009.

Only two months and it has been ‘warm’ mainly - I have only used the lights in the main, as far as electrics are concerned - and sparingly…and yet this adds up to roughly £5 PER WEEK.

More to the point:

How can anybody calculate my bill when my NPOWER account hasn’t even been assigned a TARIFF yet?

I am rather concerned.

Is this LEGAL? - perhaps I should seek advice.

I shall write back an email to CAROLE:

Dear Carole,

I have just received an NPOWER ELECTRICITY BILL for £43.22 (18 Sept - 3 Nov 2009)

The letter is dated 23rd November 2009.

I have been requested to pay the bill by 7 Dec 2009.

Apparently my account number is: 065 6512 5006

I am rather concerned.

How can anybody calculate my bill when my NPOWER account hasn’t even been assigned a TARIFF yet?

Is this letter LEGAL? - perhaps I should seek advice.

Anyway, could you possibly find out how far the COMPLAINTS TEAM have got, in terms of sorting out my POSTCODE so that I can use the NPOWER website in order to evaluate the cheapest TARIFF for this flat?

Kind regards,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - in 2004 - after I had questioned NPOWER's bills - having sent them my meter reading - the bills came back even HIGHER than before so I have to be very careful with NPOWER in relation to TARIFFs and meter readings.

Having seen how PETROL NELL had doctored the METER at EAGLE HOUSE - perhaps it is another case of tampering with the meter...

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose the biggest problem facing me in relation to NPOWER tariffs is not just the fact that I am a single person in a one-bedroom flat... is DIRECT DEBIT payments.

They charge cheaper tariffs if you pay by DIRECT DEBIT.

Having checked my bank balance this morning - I could afford to pay out from my HSBC account.

However, in relation to NPOWER/ROTHSCHILDS...I do not trust them an fact, I trust them to drain my bank account with falsified bills...

...and that is the biggest monetary problem now facing me.

Black Rabbit said...

The point being - if you pay by direct debit - they tend to tell you AFTER they have taken the money from your account and I do not trust NPOWER to act legally and honestly - they are part and parcel of the ILL CULT game...

...and the ILL CULT game at this point is to drain my bank account and leave me penniless. That is the bottom line.

Black Rabbit said...

How extraordinary - what do you think - is this a genuine offer?

Read the latest email from COMPUCOVER:

Flag this message


Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 11:44From: "Samantha Holland" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "" < >

Dear Emily,

As PC World are unable to give you the full refund, we will refund you in full and take this up as a separate issue with them.

I previously sent you a cheque for £37.00 please can you confirm if this has been returned to us as it has not yet been received.

If it is still in your possession then I will send you a cheque for the difference, if you have returned it then I will need to wait for it to arrive before I can issue you with a new cheque for the full amount.

Kind regards Samantha

Samantha Holland
Administration Manager

Summit Insurance Services Ltd
The Robbins Building
Albert Street
CV21 2SD

Phone: 01788 563115
Fax: 01788 563123

Black Rabbit said...

I still have the cheque in my possession and so it should be easiest to write back and inform SAMANTHA of this - and ask her for a cheque to make up the difference:

Dear Samantha,

Yes, I still have the cheque for £37 in my possession. Please send me a cheque for the difference.

Kind regards,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

So what do you think that COMPUCOVER are going to do next?

The most dastardly thing that they could do is to cancel either of the cheques (the one I have in my possession or the one that is yet to arrive) which will then not go through my bank account...wait for the next installment.

Black Rabbit said...

Did I tell you that RIMINGTON had two of her 'witches' in the library...eyeing me, smiling and waiting by the reading table as I played around with the SCANNER in an attempt to make it work - on computer 11.

I 'knew' why they were there - once I had found out that it wasn't functioning...I was supposed to FORGET that I had put that cheque under the scanner...go downstairs to find an assistant...and then they would pinch it. I 'read' their minds - knew what was was all rather funny.

So yes, I still have that cheque.

Black Rabbit said...

Naturally, I will not cash it until I am in possession of the other cheque - or COMPUCOVER can then claim that I accepted it as 'sole payment' for the refund.

Black Rabbit said...

Looking at the NPOWER leaflets along with the ELECTRICITY BILL...I saw the NPOWER 'pay online' facility advertised...

Now you see, this is what I was talking about...I cannot get a cheaper tariff by paying online - because their website will not accept my POSTCODE.

Black Rabbit said...

Let us look at this in a broader sense:

If you are too poor/unemployed to have a bank account and you do not own a computer upon the internet - you cannot get a cheaper tariff at NPOWER.

Just another way that the POOR are taxed and the WEALTHY are privileged.

Black Rabbit said...

Thinking about that big TATTOOING session at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...all of those chosen to be the PRINCES' henchmen...would have been the JESUIT class...and they would have all been tattooed up the anus...

Black Rabbit said...

I am in the library now - and I have remembered what was going on in relation the scanner attached to computer 11.

The 'military masons' had told me that it was 'theirs' and that only they could use it but they sometimes let women use it - if they felt sorry for them i.e. they had had a really hard time.

Therefore, to date - it is almost always unused but sometimes I see a mason on it...and also I have seen a young woman who uses crutches...who sometimes uses it.

It is number 11 - and you can actually book it online - on the ELAN system but it isn't on the 'main menu' so to a computer. Therefore - if you are 'in the know' - you can nearly always get onto a computer i.e. onto number 11 if you click on 'scanner' rather than 'ground floor/second floor/childrens' etc in order to book a computer. Obviously you don't really want to use the SCANNER...I have asked people on that computer if it is working and naturally they reply 'I don't know - I'm not using it' because nobody uses it.

Black Rabbit said...

Computer number 11 is hidden away in the local history room of the second floor - the other computers are in a separate 'room/alcove' of this floor.

Black Rabbit said...

Isn't it funny how many masonic and ILL CULT 'open secrets' there are around?

...but then the best way to keep a secret is to make it obvious that everybody misses it...particularly if they have been told, under mind control, to do so.


Nobody either 'sees' or dares to 'see' what is quite plainly in front of them.

Black Rabbit said...

Upon the note of the RICCI 'evil eye' tattoos however, this is one of the few hidden secrets.

Thinking about it now - I do not think that anybody would have necessarily agreed to have one, at all. Who in their right mind - would have done - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

It is akin to the BLUE NUMBERS TATTOO of an Auschwitz slave...but the ILL CULT have had to be more careful about 'branding' their slaves.

Black Rabbit said...

All one can say is that it is unlikely to have been particularly painful - too few nerve-endings around.

Black Rabbit said...

What CATHY O'BRIEN went through in relation to what BUSH and CO did to her nether regions...must have been quite indescribable.

Black Rabbit said...

I can only hope that the same thing didn't happen to me in some shape or form...

Just before I went to POLAND - my mother told me to visit the BROOK CLINIC in order to make sure that 'everything was all right' i.e a smear test.

The woman doctor remarked that I had extensive scarring in my vagina and asked me about abortions...I laughed...I had never been pregnant in my life, as far as I knew...the woman laughed scornfully...she obviously thought that I was lying.

Black Rabbit said...

Flag this message

RE: RE: Complaint reference: 97019778Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 14:59
From: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo:

Good afternoon Miss Gyde,

Thank you for your email.

After checking our records, I can see account number : 65125006 was set up on our standard rate tariff on 18 September 2009 as you moved into the address.

Your account has been billed from 18 September 2009 to a customer reading of 00015 up to 3 November 2009 to an estimated reading of 00331. Please provide us with your current read to update your account and issue a new bill.

In regards to the errors on our website, I can confirm your ongoing complaint is under investigation with our specialist department, who will contact you when the complaint is resolved.

You can contact us with your current reading by email or telephone on 08450704856. Our office hours are 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Friday and 8:00am to 4:00pm Saturdays.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Vicky Scott
npower Complaints Team

Black Rabbit said...

See the last response from NPOWER.

It is precisely as I had thought - they will then try to issue me with a much higher bill.

I need to check the above out carefully.

Firstly - the 'STANDARD TARIFF' is most likely to be the highest.

Secondly, the amount seems excessive (£5 per week) for a single person - just for electricity.

Thirdly - I am fobbed off with 'we are looking into it' when it is quite obvious that they are NOT and have no intention of doing so.

Black Rabbit said...

I shall write back the following:

The issue hasn't been addressed and I haven't been allowed to assess what tariff will be the cheapest upon the NPOWER website.

More to the point - if the website will not accept my POSTCODE then I am immediately disqualified from the cheapest tariffs available.

I do NOT want to pay the higher rates e.g. the STANDARD TARIFF simply because I cannot pay online and via direct debit.

If NPOWER tries to force me to do so - this could legally be seen as a failure upon NPOWER's part to provide a FAIR, equal and undiscriminatory service to the public.

Kind regards,

Emily Gyde

Black Rabbit said...

TONI SURRIDGE had warned me - just in time - to ‘look out’ for ‘rubbish’ left outside my flat in the corridor…

…and today - guess what?

For the very first time - somebody has left ‘rubbish’ out.

It comprised of two long lengths of wrapping which had been for GREEN underlay and runners for a carpet…and this transparent plastic wrapping was in ORANGE in parts - with BLACK type - which informed you that this product was from B&Q with the usual instructions etc.

Okay - if this was left out as a programming object - as it obviously was…it was there early on this morning and was still there at 4pm…after whoever it was, had finished their work…presumably in FLAT 4 (the flat that GREEN occupied in 2004)…then I have to decode it:

ORANGE = terrorism./bombs

B&Q = ILL CULT ‘barbecue’ (cannibalism).

So I removed the wrappings quickly and put them into a BELLE COURT garbage room skip.

I figured - why make a song and dance about it…obviously not a bomb…at worst, a programming symbol for something else rather nasty…left out to trigger somebody who will walk down this corridor. If that is the case - either they have either seen it - or they haven’t…I can only hope that they haven’t.

Black Rabbit said...

Perhaps it was meant to trigger me to start a fire in this flat? I am remembering something here…perhaps RIMINGTON was hoping that I would ‘barbecue’ myself…I seem to remember having matches in this flat, in 2004...SWAN matches or the larger box…I cannot remember.

I haven’t bought anything like matches…but yes, on closer inspection of my kitchen drawers…my bits and bobs drawer had TWO matchboxes…taken from EAGLE HOUSE…

One large and one small box of MATCHES.

I quickly put them into a BIN LINER and took them out of the building…just in case there might have been something put into them by PETROL NELL and the DIABOLICAL TRIO…I never use matches and therefore I hadn’t even bothered to look at those boxes…I wondered where to put them…I then espied BOB’S SKIP which is BRIGHT YELLOW and in the front car park…I figured…if the ILL CULT did put anything into a matchbox…then if it explodes in the middle of that unused front car park…no problems. So I put the small bin-liner, into that skip.

Black Rabbit said...

You might think it silly ‘as small as a matchbox’ but I can remember that whilst working at MISS SELFRIDGES in my youth (after DARTINGTON - so 1990)…a part-time job and a couple of days a week…

MISS SELFRIDGES was a small part of one floor of a major store called RACKHAMS in the centre of B‘HAM…MISS SELFRIDGES’ staff were instructed by their manager, with the following:

“When we are alerted to a bomb threat…we will play STRAUSS’ WALTZ over the tannoy…you must not alert or frighten customers in the store…you have to search through the pockets of every item of clothing on the racks for something - even as small as a matchbox (staff expressed disbelief at that one)…you also have to search the floors…changing rooms etc.” (I cannot remember the exact words but this was almost ad verbatim - I asked about getting one‘s fingers blown up in the process but apparently that wasn‘t a problem I.e. if you find a matchbox - don‘t open it).

The ‘threat’ was IRA bombers.

I was astounded and indignant - but I didn’t voice any subversive thoughts…

However, when ‘reality struck’ - and the WALTZ started up on afternoon - I quietly told customers (so that no other MISS SELFRIDGES staff could hear) that there was a bomb threat and to leave the store, every time STRAUSS’ WALTZ was piped over the tannoy…and after having told the customers upon my floor…I then did a quick exit, myself…down the fire-escape stairs…

RIMINGTON was furious with me - she soon found out.

Black Rabbit said...

I found out later from STEVE SAVALE, who had been living in MOSELEY during that period that an IRISH friend of his - had a girlfriend who worked in RACKHAMS and used to ring up RACKHAMS now and then to give a ‘bomb threat’ so that she could have the day off…he was unemployed at the time. STEVE laughed his head off…he couldn’t believe the resulting effect upon staff within that store…the fact that I had had a part-time job there, at the time.

I was astounded and indignant…but didn’t say a word…

So what was that all about?

I would guess:

Conditioning staff NOT to tell anybody when there was a BOMB THREAT...

…because the owner of the shop lost so much business…

I can remember now…that was RIMINGTON’s big concern…how much money was lost - simply by closing a large department store for a morning or afternoon.

I couldn't believe the equation - you would let so many people be injured and die...just because you think that it might be a hoax call? Just so you can rake in the money?

Black Rabbit said...


In relation to ‘burning me alive’ in this flat (and by my own hand - the ‘JESUIT WAY‘):

I bet that RIMINGTON was thinking about that guy in TOTNES…the one who had been told that he had AIDS when he didn’t…who was then programmed to set his flat on fire…let me see…yes, I can remember RIMINGTON talking about him…he had been driven beyond despair. What did he do to deserve that - tell her that she was putting on weight? Or that TOMLINSON was a spotty faced, paedophile drug dealer?

Maybe he had done what JACK DEE did…told an ’offensive’ joke about PRINCE CHARLES…that effectively finished DEE’s career…earned him a GONG award - meaning ‘you never work again’ - I remember PRINCE WILLIAM telling me about that one - he had been in the audience and laughing the hardest as DEE told the audience sardonically that ‘this means that I will never work again’ as he accepted that ‘award’ - the psychological horror of it all - having to go on stage, knowing that the bastards have done you in.

I knew all about the GONG ‘castle’ room’ from 1980 - the ‘toilet system’ of any given ancient castle. The others shat on you from above - see previous notes upon how this antiquated toilet system worked in medieval times. I was made to stand in this room - I had been awarded GONG status - whilst human pee and shit descended upon my head - from the sluice in the ceiling.

Black Rabbit said...

PETER COOK had also made an ‘offensive’ joke about PRINCE CHARLES at his Establishment ‘alternative comedy’ nightclub - it was then closed down - despite his friends’ efforts to keep it open.

LIZARDS cannot take jokes against themselves at all - yet they piss themselves, torturing us.

(For Americans amongst us - what I mean by the colloquial reflexive verb ‘to piss themselves’ is that they ‘laugh inanely and hysterically’ - it doesn’t mean that they get ‘mad‘, as in angry.)


I might as well add here that RIMINGTON had also told me to pour a cup of bleach out and drink it - in 2004. She made me do it in front of her, as a test-trial and I dipped my lips over the side.

I do not have BLEACH in this flat either. I am taking all precautions here - just in case.

Black Rabbit said...

Let us ask MI6:

Who won the latest GONG award then?

This will be a LITMUS TEST of whether times have really changed.

Who was it?

Are they still working?

Black Rabbit said...

Not having watched TV for a long, long fact, not since last year (when I was sectioned...

...that was a YEAR ago now...

...late 2008...and then this traumatic 'down the spiral journey' began...

As MARK R had callously told me..."you are a free radical - you fall through everything"...

I had no idea what he meant, at the time...

I know now that he was conning me...he simply meant what RIMINGTON had always wanted for end up a 'baglady' on the streets...because I had been 'disobedient'...

I ended up as FAR WORSE than a baglady...those 'ladies' have got it light.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I came across the URL and website below in relation to who is going to earn a GONG...pity I do not have a TV...

I would have liked to analyse what this series was saying about the ROYALS...either upfront or obliquely...if they earnt a GONG...they must be BAD NEWS for the ROYALS right?

However, if times have changed...then a GONG is really the highest acolade and you win many more contracts to work, in relation to your own comedy this space...

'Outnumbered' in the lead for Comedy gong

Black Rabbit said...

I have watched about 2 minutes of this video clip...2.36 to be exact...out of a 9.41 clip.

No real 'humour' there, as far as I can see...

However, the references to FIB by the wife...and the husband standing behind a PINK THUMB...are intriguing if you would like to decipher ILL CULT coding...all put together by MARK R as far as I can see (and I KNOW) and all rather dull...

I haven't laughed once and this is supposed to be a COMEDY?

i feel so depressed by this people that I want to throw EARTH, in large quantities upon them, simply to shut them up by burying them underground...zombie world...

...but I will watch the next bit, to see if it gets any better...

Black Rabbit said...

I have nearly got through this excruciating video...apparently the whole series got better at the end.

BASSNETT and her staff LOVED it.

DABYDEEN and his 'friends' LOVED it.

I cannot bear it - so what is wrong with me?

They all said 'you are middle-class and that is what the middle-classes are like'.

They were MIDDLE-CLASS and highly programmed robots.

My life was NOTHING like the above video (but maybe theirs' was - that is the problem).

They got the ILL CULT jokes in terms of sicko programming numbers and I didn't.

EL ZOMBOS - the lot of them.

Black Rabbit said...

I mean at the end of the day - humour to me, is something that doesn't make you 'smile' because you are 'an elite class of slave' who is able to 'get' a certain 'linguistic joke' and if you think that the ROYALS are watching on their CCTV- you then have to 'crack your face'.

HUMOUR to me, is either 'in your face' as in, I am a better BLACK PRESIDENT than you will ever be...see various BLACK COMEDIANS upon OBAMA...(and on the health sevice in particular)...

...and in a less subtle is taking the piss and really making people laugh...without resorting to underhand stuff... a more specialised form - it is MACDONALD making all of those 'youtube short videos' for the NY 'CRAZY COMPANY' to savour...for a more 'special interest group'...

Black Rabbit said...

Thursday morning...

I forgot to mention that I received two calls upon my mobile yesterday but the number was I have no idea who called me.

I would guess that it was CONNELLS - even though I had told them to use email and not my mobile phone number (which I had to put down on their online form - a 'red star' box) but who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

YELL.COM update:



Black Rabbit said...

i was thinking about that 'courtroom' MONTY PYTHON video last night - what did the judge mean when he said:


Why did MI5...I am almost sure that it was them...say that the reference to GILL was obvious?

Is this a famous ILL family?

This morning...the network were saying spell it backwards but that makes no sense either:


Black Rabbit said...

is there a reference here to the GOLDEN CUP which was 'floating in the air'?

Black Rabbit said...

Oh no, not the GILL CUP?

Was the whole affair - MARTIN GILL's idea - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?

Black Rabbit said...

MI5 had him and his family in 'custody' for a while...sometime around 2004 but then they let him go and he 'disappeared'.

Black Rabbit said...

I had flashes of where he then far as I know...back to the USA...AMADEUS had found a 'beach house' for him...rather like the one that ADAM SANDLER had...same sort of coast line.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, 'john waters' went off with the SAS/ARMY to an undisclosed location - somewhere in the UK - to do further work upon the whole ILL CULT problem...after he had helped MI6 with the access codes.

Black Rabbit said...

Another email response from PCWORLD:

Flag this message


Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 15:33From: "Customer Services - PC World Business" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "emily gyde" < >

Good Afternoon Emily

Thank you for your response,

Please follow our terms and conditions you have requested.

14. All our goods are sold to you with the benefit of the manufacturer’s warranty. We will accept returns of faulty goods notified to us within 14 days of delivery, subject to the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty. Some manufacturers operate a day one return to manufacturer policy -our Customer Services Department will advise you on this.

15. If faulty goods are to be returned to us y our must obtain an RMA (Returned Merchandise Authorisation) from our Customer Services department. The RMA will be valid for 28 days. We will arrange for collection of the Goods, which must be available for collection in their original packaging together with all accessories and manuals. We cannot accept unauthorised returns which do not have an RMA.

16. If you change your mind we may take goods back at our discretion if they are unopened, unused and in perfect condition. There will be a handling charge of 15% of the purchase price (or £20 whichever is greater) plus a collection charge of £6.95 for this service. Please contact our Customer Services department.

17. If you return goods please ensure that you have backed up your data. We will not be responsible for any data that is lost.

18. Please note we do not accept returns of special purchase items, consumables, opened software unless it is faulty or software licences.

Guarantee and Liability
19. You get the benefit of the manufacturer’s warranty in respect of all the goods we sell. Please note that we do not provide any warranties ourselves in respect of the goods and we exclude any warranties express or implied
by statute, common law or of any other kind. We are willing however to sell you an additional top-up warranty to supplement the manufacturer’s warranty.

20. We are resellers to business customers and as permitted under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 we exclude liability for claims regarding the quality or fitness for purpose of goods or otherwise which consumers can make under the Sale of Goods Act 1979. We are liable for death or personal injury caused by our negligence. We do not accept any liability for indirect or consequential losses or loss of profits

If you require any further assistance then please don't hesitate to contact us.


Customer Services

Black Rabbit said...

A new response from NPOWER which looks a bit more promising:

Flag this message

RE: RE: Complaint reference: 97019778

Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 16:26From: "" < >Add sender to ContactsTo:

Good afternoon Miss Gyde,

Thank you for your recent email.

I would like to advise you that your ongoing complaint has been passed to our specialist department to arrange for our website to be updated, to ensure you can check your best available tariff. Once the website is fully updated, you will be contacted by a member of our Complaints Team and will be able to check the best tariff available to you.

After checking our website, please contact us to advise which tariff you would like to be billed on and we can also arrange for the tariff to be backdated to the start of account, due to the errors with our website.

I trust this information is to your satisfaction.

Kind regards

Vicky Scott
npower Complaints Team

Black Rabbit said...

Major Blaze Raging At London Block Of Flats

Uncanny - in relation to the ILL threat posed last night - to BELLE BLOCK H.

I do hope that there wasn't another ILL game being played out in the above block of flats...

Black Rabbit said...

"Eyewitness Beatrice Ghartey told Sky News: "Cars were blowing up. It was just really scary.

"The blaze was moving towards us.

"I called the fire brigade and I could not even talk. I was literally screaming fire."

She said she believed the blaze - which is understood to now cover the size of half a football pitch - had started in a brand-new block of flats that have not yet been completed."

Black Rabbit said...

"... a brand-new block of flats that have not yet been completed..."

That is the uncanny bit, isn't it?

A 'new build'.

I wonder if their postcode was rejected by NPOWER too?

Black Rabbit said...

What is it about POSTCODES - local councils - 'utilities' companies - central government and the ILL CULT?

Several masons working for the Council knew...

See previous notes - each new POSTCODE was thought up 'code' - sick humour.

I have already mentioned that curious 'local council job' that was put into the newspapers for the first time, the public domain...because the MASONS had wanted it to be exposed.

Normally this job was NEVER advertised to the public...but they told officials that it had to be under the 'equal opportunities act'...

The job was to join a team whose sole responsibility appeared to be:

Brain-storming new postcodes...

I was living in that bedsit in IPSWICH at the time...and the job appealed to me so much that naturally I applied for nose was twitching...I never received a reply.

Black Rabbit said...

I was looking through 'property in Clacton' the other day and came across this postcode:

CO15 1SP

I immediately knew that it was 'I SPY'...

I then wondered if this postcode was related to those modern flats by CLACTON railway station...some of which were on sale, the last time I walked past...

RIMINGTON had told me with absolute certainty - that I would never ever get a flat in that block. Why? The flats were within my 'housing benefit' price range.

Black Rabbit said...

I meant up for rent and on sale...

Black Rabbit said...

So I tapped in CO15 1SP on a google images search and found out that it is the street upon which CLACTON TOWN HALL is:

CO15 1SP. 0808
310 x 232 - 70k - jpg
clactonandfrintongazett... CO15 1SP TEL:
974 x 211 - 45k - jpg CO15 1SP TEL:
299 x 213 - 28k - jpg CO15 1SP TEL:
579 x 100 - 14k - jpg Essex CO15 1SP
138 x 140 - 8k - jpg Station Rd, CO15
180 x 100 - 6k - jpg on Sea; Essex; CO15
120 x 120 - 6k - png

Essex; CO15 1SP
120 x 120 - 8k - png Essex CO15 1SP
249 x 120 - 7k - jpg
commercial-clacton-on... Clacton-On-Sea,
200 x 103 - 27k - png Clacton-On-Sea,
135 x 70 - 9k - jpg United Kingdom,
74 x 76 - 2k - jpg On Sea, Essex, CO15
200 x 70 - 7k - gif ESSEX CO15 1SP
160 x 65 - 6k - gif

CO15 1SP. Phone
90 x 60 - 3k - png Clacton, Essex CO15
235 x 66 - 2k - gif Clacton, Essex CO15
160 x 66 - 2k - gif Essex CO15 1SP
150 x 31 - 2k - gif Essex CO15 1SP
150 x 29 - 4k - gif Essex, CO15 1SP
150 x 16 - 3k - png Clacton-On-Sea,
135 x 69 - 3k - jpg

Black Rabbit said...

Station Road, Clacton-on-sea, CO15 1SP

Black Rabbit said...

...and a large amount of ESTATE AGENTS upon it...some of which I recognised from the LOGOS and some of which I didn't...which was odd...because i normally walk up this street, everyday.

Black Rabbit said...

For example:

160 x 65 - 6k - gif


The LOGO is of a FRENCH FLAG...

I haven't seen that logo on STATION ROAD before...

Black Rabbit said...

So the plot thickens...


No wonder I quizzed DALDRY upon my father's obsession with postcodes - in PRAGUE 1995...and he replied with a similar obsessive interest...

Black Rabbit said...

I haven't seen this ROYAL BLUE/WHITE logo up either...I will have to look out for a few more up STATION ROAD today, then...

The logo states:

(with JOHN V. & CO around the STORY)

135 x 69 - 3k - jpg

This is the LAST item on the GOOGLE SEARCH and so in MACDONALD's book...the most interesting and important.

I clicked on the link which brought up this URL:

Black Rabbit said...

i was then presented with a website that I had seen before...quite startling really...because of the amount of PSYCHEDELIC multicoloured the top of the page.

Black Rabbit said...

The house in question isn't actually on STATION ROAD:

£520,000 12 bedroom house for sale
Carnarvon Road, Clacton-On-Sea, CO15

...and I recognise the interior from the photographs...RIMINGTON had taken me in there for 'programming'.

Black Rabbit said...

I looked through the photographs - until I got to photograph 10 and saw two WHITE ORB lights in the garden...

So this was the most hidden ILL CULT secret of all - yet I have already exposed that number.

I wonder what the ARCHITECT'S PLANS for this building look like? Maybe it is an EAGLE HOUSE number...

Black Rabbit said...

The fact that this house is now up for sale - can only be a good thing, eh?

Black Rabbit said...


There was another STORY logo on the GOOGLE IMAGES search page - see above.



This is an opportunity to acquire a recently refurbished and equipped café/restaurant situated close to Clacton-on-Sea town centre and also convenient for the main holiday centre in Pier Avenue.

The property is trading as a café/restaurant

PRICE £27,500 is sought for this valuable Leasehold interest to include all fixtures and fittings, goodwill and the leasehold interest. Serious offers will be considred.

If you would like to arrange a viewing or have any
other questions about this property,

please Contact:

Back to main page

John V Story & Co.

76 Station Road


Essex CO15 1SP

Please Telephone 01255 221121

Web site:


This property advertisement does not constitute property particulars.

The information is provided and maintained by

John V Story, Clacton On Sea. Please contact the selling agent or developer directly to obtain any information which may be available under the terms of The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007 and

The Home Information Pack Regulations 2007.

Black Rabbit said...


The CAFE in question is called:


Now, whilst on PETER BRUFF ward...JASON had constantly told me to find STILETTO's and I asked around town to be told that it had closed I didn't bother.

Other people on PETER BRUFF also knew of STILETTO's but were vague about its location.

Black Rabbit said...

My intuition tells me that STILETTO'S was a place where the ILL CULT performed 'needle through the eye' or 'two wires up the nose' i.e. lobotomies.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention - that reference to 'gas and water' in CYCLOPS - see last edition of PRIVATE EYE...that is what the hubbly bubbly was all about...but in this case, a chemistry set...used by one of COLLIE's operatives upon WARWICK the erstwhile, resident 'god' of the ILL CULT...he didn't last long did he? OBAMA's lot got him - he lasted about 2 weeks...

Black Rabbit said... it wasn't OBAMA...he was the 'evil kittie' who had told me to find this guy was 'john waters lot' who got that little bastard.

Black Rabbit said...

My father was furious about it...the guy had been an ILL CULT doctor and 'colleague'...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, OBAMA was the same as TOMLINSON - under SAUDI control.

Black Rabbit said...

So did the resident ILL CULT 'god' of CLACTON work over STILETTO'S?

He/she obviously doesn't anymore...

Black Rabbit said...

Powerful people, the SAUDIS but once you know their can expose what they are doing...and their frequencies are now widely known.

Black Rabbit said...

...and by intelligence operations as diverse in nationality as from the CARIBBEAN to CHINA...I have been 'tracking' - it is fascinating how much is now known.

Black Rabbit said...

A new BLOG OF NOTE up today:


Black Rabbit said...

"We are such stuff
As dreams are made on"

The above QUOTE was given to me by TONY GREEN at ACORN VILLAGES LTD - he wanted it as his 'mission statement' for the new-look company.

"Our revels are now ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep."

The Tempest, Act 4

Black Rabbit said...

'CRAPPIEN' asks for the 'meaNing' of this quote.

DR WHY (Y icon = son of god logo) responds:

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Prospero is making an analogy between the spirits, who seem like illusions, to life itself.

The spirits can produce marvelous visions, but when they are done there is nothing left, and not even any sign that they ever were. Rather like a dream... something which can be fanciful or terrifying, but then you wake and it is gone.

Prospero is suggesting that human lives are no different; a sentiment echoed by Hamlet in another work of Shakespeare's. The suggestion is the people live their lives and then are gone, leaving no appreciable mark and eventually not even a memory of their existance. And arguably this may be so - even if we do remember a few figures in history, there are billions more who get no mention; it's even likely that many of the ones we think we remember have little resemblance to the actual figure.

The 'sleep' that rounds life is the sleep of death. An unending nap which gloomy Shakespeare characters often like to say awaits us all.

Hope that helps!

Black Rabbit said...

"Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve"

Nevertheless, I am more interested in the above line - because it rings a bell in relation to:


Black Rabbit said...

So who was controlling who, in 2004?

It is difficult to say - in relation to mind control.

The SAUDIS obviously thought that they controlled everybody but they didn’t…RIMINGTON could ‘get them’ with the SPIRAL and the PEA business…

‘john waters’ and his JESUITS were also under the same sort of control, on LOYOLA ISLAND…

The PRINCES sent MACDONALD a YOUTUBE video in relation to both the ROTHSCHILD and ROCKEFELLER ‘grandfathers’ both eating CHRIST babies on a platter…in a compulsive way.

All I can say as an overview…is that the PRINCES appeared to know the most but that they were so ‘out-of-control’ themselves…as barking mad as the rest of them…that if they weren’t in control of themselves…how could they really be in control of anybody else?

‘john waters’ was running a control desk for JACOB ROTHSCHILD…which controlled the MOSSAD frequencies amongst other intelligence agencies…

EVELYN ROTHSCHILD was under PRINCE PHILIP’s control - he saw his visits as visitations from the ‘DEVIL’.

Black Rabbit said...


I then looked at the DOGES…the DUKES of ITALY…and remembered what I had ‘seen’ in relation to how the eating of CHRIST babies had begun…

A CATHOLIC priest had allowed the son of the local nobility to enter his monastery…the son was out of control…a ‘rake’ in Olde English…and his father hoped that a spell in the monastery would sort him out…it didn’t. He got a nun pregnant. The Catholic monks then decided to perform an abortion, in order to get rid of the ‘evidence’ and also the possibility of illegitimate offspring. The priests made the ‘rake’ attend the abortion to rub his nose into what he had done - in fact, they made him perform it, under instructions.

I suppose that being CATHOLICS - they were all horrified by what they felt they had to do…in order to protect the man’s ‘honour’. An abortion is against ‘everything’ in the Catholic church.

Black Rabbit said...

The son left the monastery - returned home - and in a drunken rage - told his father what he had done and how he had been treated by the monks.

The father was outraged and called the priest in - threatening him with being horse-whipped if he didn’t tel him the whole story. The priest knew that his life was in danger and had come prepared. He was one of the early ‘chemists’ - the alchemists. He threw some powder into the fire in order to create purple smoke and then showed the aristocrat - a forgery - of an ancient ‘mystical’ text.

In this text - was outlined the ‘mystical properties’ of such an abortion. The aristocrat was convinced - he then formed a cult around this ‘text’.

So as far as I know - this is how the ‘Christ child abortion’ ILL RITE began - and it began in the ARISTOCRACY. I would imagine that the PRIESTS were then told to ‘perform the rite’ for the aristocracy so that they would ‘know what to do’. Therefore this sick rite - also entered the CATHOLIC CHURCH priestly orders. I suppose that it was then hived off into the ‘secret JESUIT order’.

So in point of fact - even though ‘john waters’ had thought that it had begun with himself and various members of ROYALTY/MI6 around the early 1960s - after having watched RIMINGTON do her ‘thing’…it had actually begun, centuries earlier.

Black Rabbit said...


Let me see...this book (see below) was quite obviously written with TEMPLAR PREGNANT MEN in mind:

Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness

"Our main character, Todd is a young man on the cusp of adulthood. His home, Prentisstown, is a somewhat backwards town, with a notable difference from own our world. Here, a race of alien beings called the Spackle have introduced a virus that has wiped out all the women, the mothers, daughters, all of them. The men have survived, but the virus has had an interesting effect on them. No man's thoughts are his own. Everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts all the time, nothing can be kept to oneself. Another interesting side effect of the virus is that they can also hear the thoughts of other animals, though usually more primative and instinctual, such as those of Todd's dog, Manchee."

Black Rabbit said...

So yeah, apart from the oncoming TSUNAMI and PROJECT BLUBEAM...we may also be faced with a virus that wipes out all women and girls...

Black Rabbit said...


Why am I getting:


Related to:


Black Rabbit said...

The funny thing is that the RED KNIFE image upon the book - reminds me of one of the MAH JONG pieces...

Black Rabbit said...

MAH JONG - PRINCESS ANNE's favourite game - she was an obsessive player and loved the new version upon MICROSOFT.

The 'Chinese dominoes' game is far more difficult to play as a sort of 'solitaire game' because you have to make a note of every tile that you remove...because then you can retrace your steps if you cannot get the game 'out' go back and begin again...but you have to keep a record.

With the MICROSOFT simply have to click on the menu to go back...and you can go back as many moves as you like.

Black Rabbit said...

I 'saw' that image of the RED DAGGER piece in the MICROSOFT game, as I was waking up, this morning and wondered what it was all about...

I therefore went to this website (which I had seen before):

I began to look through the history of MAH JONG upon this site and found out that it can also be called:


...and lots of other names and spellings...

Mahjong, Mahjongg, Mah Jong, Mah Jongg, Mah-Jong, Mah-Jongg, Ma Jong, Ma Diao, Ma Cheuk, Mah Cheuck, Baak Ling, or Pung Chow

Black Rabbit said...

The BRITISH/AMERICANS kept on calling it different things...see the historical notes.

I then saw this entry:

April 24, 1924
“Pa and Ma Jongg” Life Magazine’s illustrated cover by Monte Smith.

It immediately made me think of the TWO BEEHIVES.

PRINCE OF MONACO was always referred to as the PA of the ILL CULT...and so the correlative was MA...RIMINGTON used to call herself the MA quite a bit...she even played CISSIE as in the CHINESE DOWAGER EMPRESS - and the TASCHMAN BROTHERS were supposed to whisper through the screen - in order to tell her what to prophesy.

So the TASCHMANS were the 'MA' of the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

Therefore one can assume that the ILL CULT weren't just playing CHESS across the world, were they?

They were also playing MA and PA JONG.

These pieces - the symbols and their associations would have been used in ILL CULT programming.

Black Rabbit said...

So what does that RED SLASH piece upon MICROSOFT mean?

I cannot find a similar image upon this authentic MAH JONG site (if it is 'authentic' - I am not sure yet - I sense the ROYALS at work, here...)

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, I am almost sure that it was PRINCESS ANNE who wrote the text for this site...

Black Rabbit said...

"You must match tiles exactly to remove them. Both the class and the number (or letter) of the tile must be the same. The classes are Ball, Bamboo, and Character. Each class has tiles numbered 1–9. In addition to the classes, there are special tiles on the board known as Winds, Flowers, Dragons, and Seasons. You must match wind tiles exactly, but any flower can match any other flower, and any season tile can match any other season tile and be removed."

The above, is the only information that you get - about what is on the tiles - from MICROSOFT.

Black Rabbit said...

Apparently in traditional MAH JONG you have:

"special honor pieces called "Red Dragon," "Green Dragon," and the "White Dragon," or more simply "Red," "Green," and "White."

Okay - the RED DRAGON piece looks like the RED DAGGER upon the MICROSOFT GAME.

However, MICROSOFT has a BLACK, RED and GREEN DRAGON piece as well...

You can tell the RED/BLACK/GREEN DRAGON pieces because they actually look like DRAGONS.

I need to check make examine the pieces again...

You also have BLUE/RED/GREEN/BLACK WINDS...upon the MICROSOFT game...

Yet the winds are not colour-coded in the traditional game - they are points upon a COMPASS:

In addition there are the four winds, known as the East, South, West, and North winds

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL SPAM in my inbox:


Unread Ben Coroma REPLY, IF YOU ARE INTRESTED!!! 8:34 AM 24KB

Unread Ben Coroma REPLY, IF YOU ARE INTRESTED!!! 8:17 AM 25KB

No I am not INTRESTED whatever it is - would that be something to do with a place name...

I 'know' that PRINCE WILLIAM was behind the INTRESTED email.

Black Rabbit said...

What about the other one?


Black Rabbit said...


EKE...isn't that what the WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST said - which was used as a programming command of sorts:


I cannot find it on the internet though - only in some HUNGARIAN which I do not understand...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I then tried to translate EKE KEPE from HUNGARIAN to ENGLISH upon TOMLINSON's and got a mysterious translation:

s stook

Black Rabbit said...

All I can think of is the TOOK of the LORD OF THE RINGS...

...and AMADEUS calling MACDONALD in exasperation:

"That fool of a TOOK..."

Black Rabbit said...

An SS 'TOOK' then?

Black Rabbit said...

This is the 'LORD OF THE RINGS' playing out many scripts and so many games in motion...

So the TOOKS as in MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER...were originally working for the CIA abroad.

They are part of what the ILL CULT calls the SS - another name for CIA.

They are in a division which doesn't know what the other divisions are up to...

Just like the SS under HESS.

They decide that they would like to find out and particularly about MOONBASE aka SAKHALIN ISLAND...

They set off upon an adventure...

Black Rabbit said...

They find out that NASA was the brainchild of somebody upon a CIA base in the north of the USA and is a complete and utter fraud...

They are now in deep water...

They are then kidnapped and sent up to the space station (along with the rest of the NY crazy company - apart from RIMINGTON)...

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway - I cannot find EPE KEPE on the internet...not even upon the above website but there are some key points in RED:

1. Fighting Trees

2. In The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles (2005–), a "new Witch" enters Oz and makes plans to obliterate the place. At the end of the comic, we see a figure who we are led to assume is this new witch. She wears an eyepatch and strongly resembles the Wicked Witch of the West as depicted by W. W. Denslow.

The latter...bear with me...SUSAN BASSNETT was made to play the PIRATE QUEEN with an EYEPATCH - see previous notes upon her 'cartoon role'.

Black Rabbit said...

An eyepatch is an interesting thing as an ILL CULT symbol...

MARK R has a website (see DAVID ICKE's headlines and links to this site - was it 'vigilant citizen' - something like that)...where he goes on and on about LADY GAGA and other popstars who wear an being symbolic of ILL CULT esoteric bollocks and mind control programming.

However, the first person that I had ever met...who had an EYEPATCH was MOSHE DAYAN and he was against the ILL CULT...

Black Rabbit said...

PIRATES are an interesting number in ILL CULT programming stories - for example:

CAPTAIN HOOK and his pirates who try to get the 'lost boys' and NEVER NEVERLAND under their control...of course, they are defeated...

Black Rabbit said...

I am not sure why but I associate PIRATES with:


Black Rabbit said...

Obviously MOSHE DAYAN wanted to end any BRITISH CROWN influence in Israel...but it was far more complicated than that and he knew it...

AMERICAN JOOISH BANKERS who were members of the ILL CULT were a massive part of the were the ROTHSCHILDS who were bankrolling much of what went on in the creation of the State of Israel...

Black Rabbit said...

...and if you look at it from a JOOISH ILL point of view:

The ROYAL FAMILY males are all circumcised and 'one of us'.

Black Rabbit said...

Another WIKI entry which has the TIN SOLDIER in RED:

Black Rabbit said...

i looked up EPE KEPE on a google images search and immediately recognised a website that MARK R had pointed out because of the COOKIE diagram:

I cannot remember what this 'girl scouts cookie' page was all about...but seeing as it says 4U a lot (my class at Langley Juniors) and also LC 33 (RIMINGTON - son of god number) and ends upon 47...the age that I am supposed to die in sephardic terms...the last year that a woman can have doesn't look good, does it?

Black Rabbit said...

The last image upon this EPE KEPE google images search is of a WINE COOLER:


That is what 'john waters' used to call himself - whilst playing his BONGO drums in his house on Lewisham hill...just around the corner from St Austell Road.

Black Rabbit said...

So what is it about EPE FOAM then? That must have been yet another programming symbol...I am getting off track here and should return to the MAH JONG game...

Wine Bottle Cooler / Keep Warm Bag
Wine Cooler Bag for 2 bottles
Material:70D Nylon with EPE foam
Size:18 x 9 x 33 cm
Colors: Availa... Samex Company Limited
Hong Kong

Black Rabbit said...


However, I do have to point out that it is a 'paradigm' of can read it either way...

I associate the EKE with some Germanic surname like ECKHART...

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose the interesting point about the WHITE DRAGON piece in a traditional MA JONG set - is that it is 'hidden' - i.e. it is a BLANK piece.

Black Rabbit said...

I wonder what this 'hand' is all about?

Could it be related to the 13TH ONE game?

9) Thirteen Unique Wonders (The Thirteen Odds): A hand consisting of one of each Wind, one of each Dragon, and one of each One and Nine of the three suits. The fourteenth tile must pair with any one of the thirteen tiles enumerated. (see fig. 22)

Black Rabbit said...

Let me try for a translation:

In the 13th ONE game - you get to play 'son of god' and therefore you have a very powerful 'hand' - you are exposed to all of the networks...

However, this is supposed to make you go downright insane - you then get sectioned and it is downhill all of the way - after you have been forced to take OLANZAPINE or something just as diabolical...

Black Rabbit said...

I am not sure about what the 14TH TILE then has to has to 'pair off' with any of the other 13 pieces.

LEVEL 14 is the ROYAL FAMILY - as far as MACDONALD is concerned.

So what are we saying here?

One of the ROYALS has to 'pair off' with one of the 13.

Who are the 13?

Christ and his disciples.

Can anybody make sense of that one?

Black Rabbit said...

So if I am currently playing 'christ' as a stand-in for TOMLINSON...then who are my 12 disciples?

Whoever, you are - hands up who is willing to 'pair off' with one of the ROYALS.

Black Rabbit said...

i suppose that I already did...for a short while...with PRINCE WILLIAM...whilst trying to convince the lot of them...via PRINCE PHILIP to stop the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...


MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER immediately come to mind:

16) The Heavenly Twins: Seven different pairs of Honors (one pair of each Wind and each Dragon); or any seven different pairs of one suit. The final tile may be drawn or claimed on a discard. NOTE: This hand is in the American Code but is NOT recognized by the Chinese. (see fig. 23 and 24)

Black Rabbit said...

"This hand is in the American Code but is NOT recognized by the Chinese"

Wait a you are making up the rules as you go along?

Why not, I suppose...I bet all of the top brass in MI6 know how to play MA JONG and I bet that they have made up their own rules too...

Black Rabbit said...

So this MA/PA JONG game is now a bit of a free-for-all?

Black Rabbit said...

The main point about it - is that the pieces will have been used as programming devices and I know that to be true...I have had quite a few of the pieces 'projected' to me...via microchip.

Not by MARK R either...but by 'Chinese intelligence'.

Black Rabbit said...

It is a symbolic form of whatever the ILL CULT might have decided were their meanings for each ain't necessarily depends which code is in operation.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not suppose that I need to know what MARK R programmed the TEMPLARS with in relation to the RED DAGGER piece on MICROSOFT.

One can simply say that it is a ROTHSCHILD piece...a RED piece.

Black Rabbit said...

Can you imagine the 'mix-up' on the radio-active microchipped slave networks...with different meanings being applied to the same icons/images?

Black Rabbit said...

...and of course, if I take this one step further...every image changes the next image's meaning and the next...

Let me explain - if you 'flash' to somebody a RED DAGGER (which for the purpose of argument means 'danger') and then the next image is of a WELL (which for the purpose of argument means 'all clear') and then another can see how confusion could the minds of microchipped slaves...

Black Rabbit said...

So if you flash 3 images at the same time...and they have conflicting meanings...confusion will result.

Black Rabbit said...

You see, I can now understand what MARK R was up to - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

He was creating an IMAGE BANK of IMAGES/VIDEOS that would then be projected, at a later date - into the brains of microchipped slaves.

He was preparing the way for PROJECT BLUBEAM.

Black Rabbit said...

On to the next book:

The Book of a Thousand Days - Shannon Hale

"Our heroine is Dashti, a mucker maid who joins the service of Lady Saren, moments before the Lady is locked away in a tower by her father, for refusing to marry Lord Khasar and betrothing herself to the young Khan Tegus. Saren becomes miserable in her seclusion and Dashti uses all her healing skills to help comfort her. After two and a half years in the tower, with the very real threat of Lord Khasar in the city, the girls make an escape, only to find new challenges and difficulties on their path to freedom."

Black Rabbit said...

So who is:


I can only answer the last one:

KHAN TEGUS is obviously TOMLINSON in some conflict over whom LADY SAREN marries...

I get the feeling that I might have played the maid but to whom in the LADY SAREN role?

Black Rabbit said...

LORD KHAZAR has got to be one of the ROYALS hasn't it?

...and they are all married apart from the PRINCES.

Black Rabbit said...

On to the next book in this diabolical list:

Eleanor Rigby - Douglas Coupland

"Eleanor Rigby is a novel about loneliness. And by that I am referring to both meanings of the word. Liz Dunn is alone; a forty-something woman who lives alone, with no friends and has never had a romantic relationship. Everything changes when Liz receives a call from a hospital informing her that her son has been admitted.

Liz finds herself building a relationship with her long-lost son, Jeremy, who is afflicted with severe multiple sclerosis and having to adapt to no longer living alone. Jeremy is quite an enigma. His illness causes him to have visions, that are sometimes beautiful and sometimes quite terrifying. But his free and enigmatic outlook on life, and death, is refreshing and lighthearted, and ultimately liberating for the repressed and lonely Liz."

I really hope that this wasn't one of my programming scripts but if it was...I shall kick all of your teeth in...

Black Rabbit said...

...I get the feeling that I have been 'set-up' in relation to my sister's son LEO...all many other women did they program with this particular DIABOLICAL novel?

Black Rabbit said...

I remember talking to DALDRY about ELEANOR RIGBY in PRAGUE the ILL CULT probably were thinking along those lines...

Black Rabbit said...

On to the next book:

Into the Forest - Jean Hegland

A POST-APOCALYPTIC tale...meaning what? After the ILL CULT have managed to kill off most of the world...another doomsday horror...

Two two young women in the they are members of the WOOD...

Now I had hidden in the 'wood' to avoid PRINCE PHILIP's 'jabberwocky' - see previous notes upon my dream at WARWICK.


So these two women are living in this type of a community...with 'PLOT HOLES' which I would read as 'pot-holes'...where your memories are buried 'underground'...and they become ROBOTIC as in the example of one sister dancing to a metronome...

So the WOOD are to be ILL CULT robotic slaves after the 'end of days' scenario. It figures.

Don't say that I didn't warn you, SAUDIS.

MACDONALD thought that he would number one of the elite - until I put him right about the KOREAN base files.

Black Rabbit said...

On to the next book:

Once Upon a Time in the North - Philip Pullman

I have already reviewed this book a while back - whilst living in EAGLE HOUSE. I pointed out that MARK R had shown me the MAP which comes with the book - as a guide to how close we would all get to revealing the true nature and 'power behind the throne' of the ILL CULT by going round the SPIRAL.

This all makes so much more sense now...

MARK R and his submarine at that polar icecap base (which could have been either NORTH or SOUTH - in upside down world - I tend to confuse the two)...

Black Rabbit said...

Naturally I do not have this map in my possession anymore (nor the HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN coded fairytales book - taken away after my belongings were taken from EAGLE HOUSE - although other books were returned)...

Anyway, one can see that as you get to the centre of the have 6 RED spheres to get through...but I cannot read what they say...

The whole game is called PERIL OF THE POLE

That would be POLEY as in AMADEUS, would it?

Oh no, not the SPANISH in the PP which was the final code in the HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN book...or was it PPP...that would be the JESUITS and the POPE?

Yet AMADEUS was the right-hand man of PRINCE CHARLES.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, I can now remember that it was, in fact - PRINCE CHARLES who was inside that CRYPT at the TEMPLAR CASTLE along with the ROTHSCHILD programmer...and the oddest thing was that once PUTIN and his men had rushed in...PUTIN had nodded to CHARLES in order to tell him that he could leave unharmed...

What sort of a pact did those two have, then

Black Rabbit said...

Who is SCORESBY in this latest PULLMAN novel?

I do not know why but I relate this person/character to the MI6 officer - whom DAVID ICKE knew well but I didn't that AVEBURY pub.

Black Rabbit said...

The ARMOURED BEAR was definitely DALDRY - a good friend of 'SCORESBY' they were all in it together?

Black Rabbit said...

i do not know why but the last few 'labels' down the right hand column spell out something to me:

2009 YA Challenge (11)
advent tour (1)
ancient history (4)
Arthurian Challenge (4)
awards (2)
blogging (5)
blogs (5)
Booking Through Thursday (7)

I remember telling MARK R that 'advent' meant XMAS to me as in ADVENT calendars...he was looking for a 'link' or association with XMAS for an 'A' word.

So is the above list a 'run-up' to ILL CULT XMAS?

...and after XMAS...the usual ILL CULT catastrophe day is BOXING DAY:

26th December

Was that when the good ship TITANIC...captained by PRINCE PHILIP was supposed to go down?

It is titled the 2009 YA CHALLENGE.

That would by the 'yahs' as in the aristocracy?

How far can you swim in a sub-zero icy sea?

Take the 2009 YA challenge...

Black Rabbit said...

The PAY-AS-YOU-GO viewing audience will have their fingers on their buzzers to rate your performance...

Black Rabbit said...

I am now going to send a scanned image of the NPOWER BILL to my mother, via email - to warm her up - in relation to paying my bills - as she had previously promised to do.

I wonder what effect this will have upon her?

Black Rabbit said...

I am still a little dubious about doing this because of my father and his contacting of the police - in relation to me being a 'menace' and harassing him.

However, my mother did promise to do so and therefore I might as well take her up on it.

I will phrase the email as follows:

Dear Mum,

Here is a copy of my first bill, as you requested.

Kind regards


Black Rabbit said...

I will also forward my father a copy - CC'd as she had formerly requested.

Black Rabbit said...

I have also added a PS:

PS I have also CC'd it to DAD - because as you mentioned - he is more likely to look at his emails than you are.

Black Rabbit said...

I can imagine that more trouble will be heading my way because of the above...but everything that I have done is 'above board' - as requested.

The above had been another part of the ILL GAME.

I was supposed to send the ACTUAL BILLS to my mother - who was then to hand them to my father - who would promptly lose them - thereby leaving me in a complete stew - with no account number to give to the call centre etc...

However, having my laptop, an internet connection, a scanner AND a bank balance (which my mother kept telling me to close) has changed all of that.

Black Rabbit said...

At a push - I have the money to pay that bill myself out of my current account - before XMAS and certainly before 7th Dec so no problems there...

SCARLETT told me to 'hold on' here until FEB and one hopes that it will all be finished, by that time.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention that whilst MARK R was talking me through the entire ILL CULT GAME at the TEMPLAR a theoretical way...because I was never supposed to get this far...and so he had no problem in telling me how it would all pan out (after I had died)...

He told me that at this stage - the ILL CULT bankers would do something along the lines of that ghastly TV SHOW with NOEL EDMUNDS...

I watched it with the other residents at is somewhat addictive in a horrible way...

You have the ILL CULT BANKER who rings up and gives a low offer...the participant has to decide whether to 'stick' or to play on...

So upon YAHOO! the other day...a JACKPOT site flashed up and I was shown an image of a box opening and around £200,000 was shown...I telepathically told them all to f*** off...

Black Rabbit said...

What can you do but laugh?

I do not know if the people actually making the offers are those who own the banks or those who run them...but one can guess that they are all completely insane...see previous notes upon that GOLDMAN-SACHS 'I am doing G-d's work' character at the LONDON base...

Black Rabbit said...

I was thinking about possible JESUS CHRIST figures in terms of the 'day of the dead' number that the ILL CULT are planning...or more specifically - 'the dead come back from the grave' number...

...and my mind slipped back to the latest ILL CULT celebrity 'death' of STEPHEN GATELEY...

He seems like the perfect role model for a JESUS in terms of DEREK JARMAN iconography...

Black Rabbit said...

One could even go back a little further and think about MICHAEL dead is he?

This is all horrible and the ILL CULT are mercilessly playing upon people's deepest emotions here...those of family and friends as well as fan bases...

...however, I do need to explore the subject a little further...the bigger the funeral and the bigger the 'scandal' surrounding a 'mysterious death' - see LADY DIANA's faked death as the perfect example...the less likely, that they are to be actually dead.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know where the ILL CULT idea came terms of DOOMSDAY bring back the 'dead'...

...but I wonder if it had its roots in the death of ELVIS PRESLEY and all of those 'sightings' of him afterwards...

Perhaps that gave the ILL CULT ideas...

Black Rabbit said...

One even has to 'look again' at the death of JOHN LENNON...

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, the only ILL CULT death that I am quite sure happened...was that of brave PRESIDENT KENNEDY who stood up against the ILL CULT and spoke out against them...

The ILL CULT BANKERS in the GREEN ROOM admitted that murder wholesale - to OBAMA at his 'inauguration' as PRESIDENT...

As in 'this is what happens to you if you disobey us - this is what we want you to do during your term as president - do you agree - this will be your reward - sign on the dotted line.'

Black Rabbit said...

I was thinking about the POLICE that SCARLETT had commandeered to take part in this ILL CULT game and I realised that apart from being mainly lesbian and gay…they all had pronounced ‘second sight’ or let us say high PSI ability…they were ‘sniffing things out’ in a general way…as I am doing now…circling things…like the whole KATIE PRICE saga…

They had all been programmed as ‘intelligence operatives’ at some point…hence their ability to ‘go back in time and retrace every step of the way’ - see previous notes - which means that they would all have been microchipped too. I wonder if the ARMY has made any of them ‘radio-active’ now, or would that impair their duties, as it were…being ‘radioactive’ is a full-time business, within itself.

I was thinking about the above in SAINSBURYS - looking through the magazine racks…and KATIE PRICE’s face was everywhere…and PETE’s as well…

One headline even said ‘we will be reunited’ and that struck an ominous tone with me…MARK R’s words echoed in my head: “Reunited in DEATH”

MARK R had been thinking up the tabloid headlines in relation to a FAKED stunt ‘death’ of both KATIE and PETE together.

I was also thinking - wouldn’t KATIE PRICE make a good police detective/officer? As a CHESHIRE CAT - ‘intelligence work’ would come naturally to her…

You could just see her, on THE BILL - kitted out in POLICE uniform…‘women in uniform‘ - gay and straight men love it…see previous site for details.

Black Rabbit said...

I tried to post again - saying 'women love it too - across the media markets....HOLLYWOOD for example gives us GI JANE, PAMELA ANDERSEN as a cop etc...

...but I then got an ERROR message and the above post wouldn't post:

Service Unavailable
Error 503

Black Rabbit said...

It's the whole AMAZONI WOMEN thing, isn't it really...what AMADEUS was saying about societies in general...when they are really in trouble...the women come to the fore as the 'law providers'...

Black Rabbit said...

So I should look up WOMEN JUDGES upon the net then...

I only know of CHERIE BLAIR so far...and my mother had put in a good word for her in relation to the cases that she had taken up...she appeared to be saying that CHERIE isn't as bad as the media paints her...who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

Well, in the "Lord of Appeal in Ordinary" - it looks like it ISN'T 'hanging level, EVANS'...

...only 1 woman to 11 men.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so these statistics are extremely worrying - women are SO under-represented it is almost unbelievable.

Surely this is against the EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES ACT and against the LAW within itself?

I mean look at the INEQUALITY going on here, in these statistics:

As at 1 April 2009

Post Former
Barristers Former
Solicitors Total
Lord of Appeal in Ordinary Women 1 0 1
Men 11 0 11
Total 12 0 12
% Women 8.33 0 8.33
Heads of Division
Women 0 0 0
Men 5 0 5
Total 5 0 5
% Women 0 0 0
Lord Justice of Appeal Women 3 0 3
Men 34 1 35
Total 37 1 38
% Women 8.11 0 7.89
High Court Judge Women 15 0 15
Men 92 2 94
Total 107 2 109
% Women 14.02 0 13.76
Circuit Judge Women 78 14 92
Men 480 69 548
Total 558 83 640
% Women 13.98 16.87 14.38
Recorder Women 153 16 169
Men 1023 43 1066
Total 1176 59 1235
% Women 13.01 27.12 13.68
Judge Advocates Women 0 0 0
Men 8 1 9
Total 8 1 9
% Women 0 0 0
Deputy Judge Advocates Women 1 0 1
Men 9 1 10
Total 10 1 11
% Women 10.00 0 9.09
District Judge Women 15 89 104
Men 30 310 340
Total 45 399 444
% Women 33.33 22.31 23.42
Deputy District Judge
Women 40 154 194
Men 61 413 474
Total 101 567 668
% Women 26.38 27.16 29.04
District Judge (Magistrates' Courts) Women 13 19 32
Men 34 69 102
Total 47 88 134
% Women 25.00 29.13 27.71
Deputy District Judge (Magistrates' Crt) Women 6 30 46
Men 48 73 120
Total 64 103 166
% Women 25.00 29.13 27.71
Masters, Registrars, Costs Judges and DJ (PRFD) Women 6 6 12
Men 21 14 35
Total 27 20 47
% Women 22.22 30.00 25.53
Deputy Masters, Deputy Registrars, Deputy Costs Judges and Deputy District Judge (PRFD) Women 21 8 31
Men 25 30 53
Total 46 38 84
% Women

Black Rabbit said...

What I am basically saying here is this:

There are certain jobs that most women cannot do - these require certain masculine skills - either physical or psychological...being a JUDGE isn't one of them.

Black Rabbit said...

I meant and/or physical/psychological...

Okay so I have seen women drivers on ICE-TRUCKERS...but they are with the LUMBERJACK is a male business in the main...but one can see that they are 'open' to women joining, IF the women can pull their weight...obviously not many women can.

Black Rabbit said...

However, surely the JUDICIARY/CROWN PROSECUTION SERVICE isn't the lumberjack trade - is it?

(...or is it?)

I mean - to be a judge - there are obviously many desirable qualities that one would like to see in a person who can fulfill the position adequately and I do not see how women should be discriminated against, in relation to holding these posts - as they clearly are, in relation to the numbers 'appointed' as JUDGES.

Black Rabbit said...

Why did I type HOW rather than 'why'...because HOW was a big programming word in the 1970s...related to a kid's TV programme on ITV...

Black Rabbit said...

The jooish looking English guy presenter who held up his a 'red' AMERINDIAN head-dress and said "HOW" to the surreal was that programme?

Black Rabbit said...

i tried to post another comment and again got:

Service Unavailable
Error 503

So I will attempt to re-write it:

HOW - an anagram of WHO


DR WHO being the guy who can 'time-travel' upon CIA drugs...

...'free-association' in terms of thought, don't you love it?

All art students are taught to do it a CRIME it a 'mental illness'...


Black Rabbit said...

We have HATE CRIMES today...

We will have THOUGHT CRIMES tomorrow...(if we are not careful).

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, so somebody hates me and tells me so...I deal with it.

The HATE CRIME agenda is entirely suspect...

Black Rabbit said...

How do I treat 'HATE CRIMES' against myself?

In a MONTY PYTHON style of thinking - take for example the 'crazy French' and their insulting:

"I fart in your general direction'...'and your mother smelt of elderberries'...

Yes, I was warned, the other day - not to use swearwords in a potential altercation with other tenants...this was part of the 'regulations' of CHP and not directed at I told TONI SURRIDGE I have only had good relations with everyone in the block so far...which is quite PETROL NELLS around here...

However, she was probably warning me of something nasty that RIMINGTON had planned in the future and so I really have to watch out for that one..

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