The young British Intelligence recruits entering this building, had no idea of the hell that lay before them. No idea that they would be forced to become slaves to a demonic, mind control program; run by MI6 and sanctioned by Royal Arch Freemasonry. No idea that they would be forced to sign the Masonic 'Sat B'hai' contract and swear allegiance to the Monarchy rather than to the UK State. No idea at all, in fact.
The Powergen building was mostly unoccupied in 1979. Only a few Powergen employees worked in the building, which was almost deserted. The car park was nearly empty for the whole of that year. The third floor was reserved for 'Special Government Projects' and no Powergen employee was allowed entry.
To outsiders, the young people who entered this building each day, looked like a relatively normal, young bunch of Powergen graduate recruits and so nothing out of the usual.
At 21 years old, Richard Tomlinson was one of the graduate intake onto this course - most of the recruits were aged between 18 and 21 years old. Tomlinson was to begin his training here, to become an MI6 Officer later on, in his military career. The others were being trained to be run as agents of the 'Crown'.
It was at Powergen in 1979, that Richard Tomlinson was first shown a passport photograph of Vladimir Putin.
Rimington, Manningham-Buller and Scarlett showed the graduate trainees and each Delta (espionage and assassination) team, a selection of four b/w passport photos. The recruits were informed that the four KGB men in the photos were:
'Your counterparts in the KGB'.
The recruits were under the impression that these young, Russian KGB agents were supposed to be the 'enemy' or 'rivals' despite Manningham-Buller's 'communist' training i.e. during her Russian and Political History classes.
What was 'real' communism, according to Manningham-Buller?
It began with 'Guardianship' by those who were 'born to rule'. They were the self-elected custodians of British society who could decide what was in their people's best interests.
To summarise: a benevolent dictatorship.
This was personified by Manningham-Buller demanding that each of her classes stand to attention and do a Nazi salute as she walked in the door, before she would begin the lesson.
Important note: the b/w passport photographs had been supplied by one of Oleg Gordievsky's contacts. Gordievsky was a Royal Arch Freemason and one of the Russian Chapter. He had negotiated photographs of the new Royal Arch Freemasonry recruits, within the KGB - to be sent to MI5.
2. 1980: Russian Monastery Compound, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem.
Vladimir Putin and the other KGB Royal Arch Freemasons, stayed within this high-security compound. It was run as a nunnery (it still is today) but is generally known by the Russian Orthodox church to be a 'spy-centre', and is currently being run by an ex-FSB Head.
The British Intelligence recruits mainly stayed at the 'Youth Hostel' behind the St John Church in the centre of Ein Kerem. It is located partly up the mountain which overshadows the town and it backs onto a pine forest.
Even today, there are still 'guard dog' signs and barbed wire everywhere, around this building and locals say that it is not possible to book as an ordinary tourist. It was reserved for 'special groups' of young people, internationally in 1979 and has been for many years. Recently, the whole building has changed hands and is now being renovated into flats, in order to be sold off. How times have changed.
Beside the main building of the youth hostel, there are two hexagonal buildings - architecturally, rather like geometric mushrooms. This is where the British graduate trainees were lodged: Richard Tomlinson, Andrew Marr and Stephen Daldry.
In the evenings, the 'graduates' would sit on the verandah of these buildings with their KGB Russian counterparts; to smoke, drink vodka and shoot the breeze. None of them could hold a conversation in Russian apart from Tomlinson, who did his best to act as interpreter for the whole group.
Together, they looked like ingenues, trying desperately to live up to their programming as 'Illuminists' i.e. their predecessors - the colonials of the 'enlightenment' period who had ruled the world by their supposed, innate superiority and worldliness.
This was to be the very first meeting of many, between Richard Tomlinson and Vladimir Putin. The latter was quite a few years his senior at 26/7 years old but much younger looking.
3. 1993 - Poland
Vladimir Putin had lost his job as KGB controller of the Stasi in East Berlin. There was a famine in St Petersburg and the KGB owed their employees several months of salaries. Whole families were starving in the cities (foodstuffs had been held up in the ports) and Vladimir Putin's own family was no exception to this rule.
John Scarlett (MI6 Moscow Station) made a deal with Mr Putin in Poland. They knew each other relatively well (dating back to 1979 in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem) and both were Royal Arch Freemasons.
Poland had become a trading ground for potential Russian dissidents, to sell whatever they could lay their hands on, to the West. Almost every intelligence agency had descended upon Poland to buy whatever they needed and the amount of wheeler-dealing and double-dealing which was going on, had reached fever pitch. It was almost laughable.
No one really knew who was working for which agency or which agency was allied to whom, in what turned out to be a 'smash and grab' bun fight. One could name MI5, MI6, the CIA and the IRA as but a few in this free-for-all; the desperate dash to acquire information, drugs, guns - you name it. Just about every intelligence agency and mafia organisation was in on the game. Everything was on sale.
What was the deal that Scarlett struck with Putin?
Putin needed safe passage for himself and his family out of a situation in St Petersburg which was rapidly deteriorating. Scarlett had agreed to set up a new identity for him in the UK as a teacher of German (Putin had native-speaker fluency) in exchange for...well, this bit is unclear. Scarlett already had all of the information that he needed from Mr Putin, on the Royal Arch Freemasonry network. However, he agreed to take Mr Putin and his eldest daughter back to the UK and rescue his wife and younger daughter at a later date.
Scarlett was to renege on this deal. Why? MI5 (for reasons of their own) had decided to torture and then murder Mr Putin as soon as he set foot on British soil. He was dispensible. They had most of the information that they needed and were not going to honour any deal.
The upshot of all of this, was that when Mr Putin learnt of British Intelligence's real agenda, he called the deal off and returned to Russia.
So far, so simple, except that there was one complicating factor: Royal Arch Freemasonry.
Mr Putin had been part of the Russian Chapter and he had been sorely let down by his British counterparts. In addition, he had been under MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry Illuminati mind control since 1979 and had been one of their operatives within the KGB until 1994.
Why 1994?
Because this was the year when MI6/Illuminati laptops began to disappear in Europe. Mr Putin was beginning to work it all out and as a consequence, was tracking down the MI6 Senior Officers who held the colour-coded information of the tailored mind control programmes for their officers and agents, within their laptops (electronic locks that weren't supposed to be unlockable but were in fact, quite easy to crack by the KGB). Once the codes are broken, it is relatively simple to control any of the operatives listed (as well as guess how to control others who were 'indoctrinated' in a similar way) and then to turn them against their 'masters'.
See for details of the 'typewriter' code at the old, British prison in Jerusalem: it accounts for 10 different branches of Royal Arch Freemasonry-infiltrated British Intelligence departments since 1945. The KGB Royal Arch Freemasons were one of these departments, in this tarantula-like Masonic organisation which has been strangling the world, since the last days of the British Empire.
Those within British Intelligence who were not Royal Arch Freemasons, had no real idea of what was going on at all. If they did manage to catch a 'Russian spy' within their midst, it was because the Royal Arch Freemasons had deemed this person expendable and had then fed him or her to the fishes. Think Burgess, Maclean etc and you will get the picture. Blunt escaped such censorship and hounding. He was a 'master' of Royal Arch Freemasonry.
One of the most sinister departments of Royal Arch Freemasonry/British Intelligence is the 'ZKTZ' - to be found on the list of codes on the British typewriter in Jerusalem 'British prison' museum. This prison was run by the British, who had forced Jews and Arabs to man their 'Palestinian Police' station.
(Zayin, Chet, Tzadik, in Hebrew) = the code for 'zygote':
The Royal Genome project
In brief, Vladmir Putin had been chosen as a DNA sperm donor within this Royal 'zygote' project and had then been ordered by the Masonic body to copulate with various British female agents, whilst in Berlin. The zygotes were then 'collected' and the young woman involved, was subsequently murdered. Stephen Daldry had organised various victims to be sent to Berlin for exactly this purpose. He has also boasted of listening to them (bugged rooms) being murdered, during this period. Cameras were also placed in the TV sets for the Royal Arch Freemasons to view afterwards - in essence, 'snuff movies'.
By 1993, the Royal Arch Freemasons had no further use for Mr Putin in terms of information or DNA and therefore, he was expendable - Royal Arch Freemason or not.
Additionally, during 1994 - a 'diamonds' operation under the supervision of John Scarlett, went awry. The goods disappeared somewhere in Bosnia and therefore someone in British Intelligence, had to carry the can. See for details.
4. 1995 - MI6 HQ, London.
Richard Tomlinson was sacked from MI6 on undisclosed charges. He escaped the country and went on the run, eventually turning up again with a mysterious Russian publishing house, in order to publish his autobiography 'The Big Breach' in 2001.
What had happened in the interim?
5. 2003 - Shanghai, China
On Manningham-Buller's orders: Andrew Marr (and several other British Intelligence operatives) kidnapped and tortured an ex-agent of theirs in France. The motive behind this was to force the agent back under mind control ( the agent was an ex-Royal Arch Freemason who had gone AWOL), in order to take an MI5 message to China.
Why China?
An 'educational conference' had been arranged at Jiao Tong University, Shanghai to improve Russian-Chinese relations. Except that there was no publicity for it, nationally or internationally and no reports published afterwards.
Nineteen, armoured cars turned up to this 'discreet' event containing the Russian contingent of nearly 100 participants, who then stayed for three weeks at the University's Academic Centre Hotel.
The campus was cordoned off throughout this period by Chinese tanks, armed guards and soldiers. Funnily enough, this 'educational conference' which includedVladimir Putin amongst the distinguished guests, was not mentioned in the international press. However, this was the time of the SARS epidemic in China and therefore, there were not many foreign reporters on the ground, in Shanghai.
Back-tracking: Richard Tomlinson was present at the torture of this agent in France 2002 and was also to attend the 'meeting' which took place in China. In short, he had been instructed to oversee the whole operation. Tomlinson was not allowed to know the message until it had been safely delivered to Mr Putin in China. He was however, present at the time that the message was given.
The operation was code-named 'METE'.
The gist of OP METE was as follows:
The implantation of a nuclear bomb (ESSO were employed to do the drilling) between the tectonic plates under the seabed - just off Aceh, Indonesia.
MI5 were to send a military ship into the area after the explosion had occurred, in order to check radiation levels. They had miscalculated. The radiation levels are now affecting all of the surrounding islands, including the Arabian peninsular.
The explosion occurred on the 26th December 2004.
In addition, the agent who had been sent with the message, had worked for Richard Tomlinson in eastern Europe 1992-1995 and had known him for years. The agent had also met Mr Putin many times during 1993-1996.
The agent told President Putin and Richard Tomlinson the message, concerning 'OP METE' .
Manningham-Buller had also ordered the agent (according to Marr's instructions) to return to Russia and then to attempt to assassinate President Putin. Why? The agent could only guess that even attempting to carry out such an order would have resulted in instant death. This would have been an ideal way to dispose of the 'messenger'.
Unfortunately for Manningham-Buller, Chinese surveillance had recorded the meeting between Mr Putin, Richard Tomlinson and the agent in question. They were to question the agent later on with the CIA present, who subsequently confirmed the information, in interview.
Indonesian Intelligence were duly warned and took action by taking out large insurance claims with British companies just before the event (mainly on the same day beforehand, in order to get the claims through without creating suspicion and UK firms backing out of the deal), in relation to the areas and buildings that the tsunami would hit.
The authors do not know whether or not it might have been possible to dismantle the bomb instead, but think that it was probably not technically possible. They hope that this was the case.
What is known is that Vladimir Putin is no longer a Royal Arch Freemasonry member. Can the same be said to be true of Richard Tomlinson? His current battle against SIS would suggest that he too, has broken free of MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry mind control programming.
In brief, Vladmir Putin had been chosen as a DNA sperm donor within this Royal 'zygote' project and had then been ordered by the Masonic body to copulate with various British female agents, whilst in Berlin. The zygotes were then 'collected' and the young woman involved, was subsequently murdered. Stephen Daldry had organised various victims to be sent to Berlin for exactly this purpose. He has also boasted of listening to them (bugged rooms) being murdered, during this period. Cameras were also placed in the TV sets for the Royal Arch Freemasons to view afterwards - in essence, 'snuff movies'.
By 1993, the Royal Arch Freemasons had no further use for Mr Putin in terms of information or DNA and therefore, he was expendable - Royal Arch Freemason or not.
Additionally, during 1994 - a 'diamonds' operation under the supervision of John Scarlett, went awry. The goods disappeared somewhere in Bosnia and therefore someone in British Intelligence, had to carry the can. See for details.
4. 1995 - MI6 HQ, London.
Richard Tomlinson was sacked from MI6 on undisclosed charges. He escaped the country and went on the run, eventually turning up again with a mysterious Russian publishing house, in order to publish his autobiography 'The Big Breach' in 2001.
What had happened in the interim?
5. 2003 - Shanghai, China
On Manningham-Buller's orders: Andrew Marr (and several other British Intelligence operatives) kidnapped and tortured an ex-agent of theirs in France. The motive behind this was to force the agent back under mind control ( the agent was an ex-Royal Arch Freemason who had gone AWOL), in order to take an MI5 message to China.
Why China?
An 'educational conference' had been arranged at Jiao Tong University, Shanghai to improve Russian-Chinese relations. Except that there was no publicity for it, nationally or internationally and no reports published afterwards.
Nineteen, armoured cars turned up to this 'discreet' event containing the Russian contingent of nearly 100 participants, who then stayed for three weeks at the University's Academic Centre Hotel.
The campus was cordoned off throughout this period by Chinese tanks, armed guards and soldiers. Funnily enough, this 'educational conference' which includedVladimir Putin amongst the distinguished guests, was not mentioned in the international press. However, this was the time of the SARS epidemic in China and therefore, there were not many foreign reporters on the ground, in Shanghai.
Back-tracking: Richard Tomlinson was present at the torture of this agent in France 2002 and was also to attend the 'meeting' which took place in China. In short, he had been instructed to oversee the whole operation. Tomlinson was not allowed to know the message until it had been safely delivered to Mr Putin in China. He was however, present at the time that the message was given.
The operation was code-named 'METE'.
The gist of OP METE was as follows:
The implantation of a nuclear bomb (ESSO were employed to do the drilling) between the tectonic plates under the seabed - just off Aceh, Indonesia.
MI5 were to send a military ship into the area after the explosion had occurred, in order to check radiation levels. They had miscalculated. The radiation levels are now affecting all of the surrounding islands, including the Arabian peninsular.
The explosion occurred on the 26th December 2004.
In addition, the agent who had been sent with the message, had worked for Richard Tomlinson in eastern Europe 1992-1995 and had known him for years. The agent had also met Mr Putin many times during 1993-1996.
The agent told President Putin and Richard Tomlinson the message, concerning 'OP METE' .
Manningham-Buller had also ordered the agent (according to Marr's instructions) to return to Russia and then to attempt to assassinate President Putin. Why? The agent could only guess that even attempting to carry out such an order would have resulted in instant death. This would have been an ideal way to dispose of the 'messenger'.
Unfortunately for Manningham-Buller, Chinese surveillance had recorded the meeting between Mr Putin, Richard Tomlinson and the agent in question. They were to question the agent later on with the CIA present, who subsequently confirmed the information, in interview.
Indonesian Intelligence were duly warned and took action by taking out large insurance claims with British companies just before the event (mainly on the same day beforehand, in order to get the claims through without creating suspicion and UK firms backing out of the deal), in relation to the areas and buildings that the tsunami would hit.
The authors do not know whether or not it might have been possible to dismantle the bomb instead, but think that it was probably not technically possible. They hope that this was the case.
What is known is that Vladimir Putin is no longer a Royal Arch Freemasonry member. Can the same be said to be true of Richard Tomlinson? His current battle against SIS would suggest that he too, has broken free of MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry mind control programming.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 638 of 638In fact, when I think about this NO SWEARING law nowadays...the only people that it will really affect is:
THE ARISTOCRACY and their landed gentry (at home).
I can remember...CAROLINE and myself -as tenants of the local 'landed gentry'...who owned most of the cottages/land towards BUCKFASTLEIGH from TOTNES...whilst we were students at DARTINGTON 1986-9.
CAROLINE had told me all about them as 'landlords'...she knew because when she had first come to DARTINGTON, TOTNES as a student - she had been allocated a flat in their 'farmhouse' around a courtyard...along with DAVID DIBNELL and JACKIE JONES.
In her second year - CAROLINE moved out of this accommodation but had found out about a cottage that the family would be renting...naturally, they owned a lot of them in the area.
CAROLINE then introduced me to the family...and took me to the farmhouse in order to pay our rent - for the lease of a cottage...
It was like 'another world' was COLD COMFORT FARM to me...
CAROLINE had warned me beforehand that swearing blue and using terms like 'I'll take a leather belt to you' were all part of the was their normal way of communication.
I was quite physically the large antiquated kitchen...CAROLINE and I were invited in by the sister but were then 'seen and not heard' until the brother and sister, in question 'chose to see us' and we were 'allowed' to speak...
They then began to have a massive verbal fight in front of us (as if we weren't there) - effing and blinding - references to the 'leather belt' etc - knocking around the furniture, banging things down like there was no tomorrow...but as CAROLINE was to remind me afterwards - this was 'normal behaviour' and 'normal conversation' - this was the way that these people communicated and that one mustn't 'freak out' about it...just treat it as a 'norm'.
I felt a bit like that ghastly anthropologist MARGARET MEADE in relation to PAPUA NEW GUINEA...watching this strange culture...these strange and violent 'beasts' - tramping their way around the enclosed space of the kitchen - their territory...CAROLINE AND I were trapped in there, with them...
CAROLINE (ex-psychiatric nurse) had the biggest smile upon her face the whole time and I knew that she was trying not to laugh which made it worse...but also made me feel that the whole thing was 'manageable'.
...and I suppose that the above example is why I have been saying (and for so long)why are there no sociological studies upon the UPPER-CLASSES of the UK?
In my middle-class way, I had been exposed to it and frightened by it and wanted to analyse it...yet I had nothing to go 'texts' to read about it...apart from the baloney in serious academic texts to read up on...
I mean the MIDDLE-CLASSES have been analysed into the have the WORKING why not the UPPER-CLASSES?
In defence of our 'landed gentry' landlords...they were completely fair to CAROLINE and myself...probably the best landlord/landlady business out...they didn't over-charge us...they didn't try to screw money out of us for nothing...they were completely above board.
As CAROLINE had said to me - there was only one brother who was a really nasty piece of work....but the other siblings who owned the farm...were completely honest, upright and decent was just that they had a violent and explosive way of communicating with each other...
I might add...and in relation to the above - I begin to wonder if this 'landed gentry' family were not REBELS to the ILL CULT and all that it stood for?
As far as CAROLINE and I were concerned - we didn't exactly behave as model tenants of one of their country cottages either...
What happened?
We were renting an out-of-the-way two bedroomed cottage, which was located quite a long way up a dirt track - off the main road through the countryside from TOTNES to BUCKFASTLEIGH...the cottage was linked to another one...and located in the middle of fields...and in the middle of 'nowhere'.
After we had moved in - a young couple with a baby, moved in - next door. They were employees of the 'farm' as it were...the landed gentry family.
Quite a few people upon the DARTINGTON ART COURSE then told CAROLINE and myself that we HAD to have a party at this cottage...we were remiss...everybody else had (in our second year accommodation) and so why not us?
We argued that nobody could get there without a car (most people lived around TOTNES)...but eventually decided to hold one...and I cannot remember to this day if the theme was 'come as your worst nightmare' or 'come as the opposite sex'...probably both because that is what everybody did...
Not many people turned we knew that they wouldn't...hardly anybody had 'wheels' in TOTNES...
However, the party was a 'success' in a way...and CAROLINE labelled it afterwards as:
"Discreet but disgusting"
Why disgusting?
...nothing 'disgusting' happened - to my mind at all...
Okay BIG PAUL was in the kitchen (and by the front door) with his sound stereo system...blasting out THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW...and he was dressed as 'MR MUNSTER/FRANKENSTEIN'...with bolts in the neck - platform shoes that gave him an elevation of at least 5 shirt and rouged (lipstick nipples)...
...and he was the one who then answered the door to the 'young couple' next door, who came round to complain about the noise, that evening...
So I am harping on about the 'landed gentry' behaviour...I should look at my own milieu...
What can one say but 'live and let live'...
Looking back upon that 'discreet but disgusting party'...I can see that I was most unsettled (and I was unsettled by the whole lot, almost - I was dressed as an 'uneasy pirate' - boring as usual - my usual mode for this type of event)...
...I was most unsettled by the MEN who had chosen to come...and their previous 'mission' to raid every charity shop for RIMINGTON 'look-a-like clothing' - the stuff that she had worn on programming courses) and then to 'do' RIMINGTON...
That is why the whole party startled me but also made me laugh...I would sit by one of these 'men in drag' and he was doing his own version of RIMINGTON...they all were...they were all doing different versions of RIMINGTON as this rather 'stiff, upper-class' and loony colonial type of hysterical yet vulnerable type of 'old lady'.
RIMINGTON wasn't that old at that point in time 1986-9 but they had all picked up that number about her...
It was a sort of MONTY PYTHON PEPPERPOT women effect...because most of them couldn't 'carry it off'...
However, PAUL DEWS could...I sat down beside him and offered him a drink (for once, he wasn't touching the stuff) - he then told me:
'How dare you, young man - I know what you are after'...he then proceeded to get his TIN out...that worried me (of course - it was RIMINGTON's tin of 'snuff' with her COCAINE in it - but only tobacco, in Paul's case)...
The living room was awash with that 'discreet but disgusting party'...they all wanted to 'do' RIMINGTON...why this fascination with her?
PAUL MACINTYRE had frightened me the was funny but not...he was dressed in 'old lady's clothes'...a thin summer dress and flowery hat...and high heels...on a dresser...doing spooky jabbing movements with his hands...which resulted in grotesque shadows across all of the wall of the candle-lit 'party room' of our living room.
PAUL DIBBENS was a tall man, why did he feel the need to 'tower over everybody' when he did so already - in platforms?
Answer: TOMLINSON was 6 foot 4 or 5...
DIBBENS was about 6 foot or nearing it.
With the extra 'heels' - DIBBENS was acting the part of TOMLINSON 'doorman' to the RIMINGTONS inside...
Okay so CAROLINE and myself had no 'real imagination' in terms of our own dress...I came as a 'pirate' as I always did to this sort of thing...CAROLINE had no idea what to wear...I saw her COWBOY HAT and suggested she come as that...she liked the idea and got herself a silver pistol 'shooter'...
However, the most ORIGINAL 'dress' must go to LOUISE of the Dartington Art Department...she came in full regalia as CHARLIE CHAPLIN...and kept pleading with the RIMINGTONS to 'see sense'...but none of them were listening...
It is so weird when I look back upon that period of my life...we were all so highly programmed...and yet it all leaked out through the cracks...
LOUISE was 'jooish' but from what stream - I have no idea...the RIMINGTON that she was pleading with, in particular - was ALISTAIR BAXTER...
I was pleading with all of the RIMINGTONS there and to no effect...CAROLINE told me to just leave them be...if they wanted to 'get into their own thing'- let them. That is essentially what they all did...get into their own little worlds and act out RIMINGTON - regardless of whether anybody was watching them or not...they didn't even need an audience...that was the weirdest thing.
It all takes me back to 1980 and DALDRY who had perfected the best RIMINGTON imitation that I have ever seen...
He used to have the GREEN TEAM falling was an antidote for us, upon that 'to hell and back' mind control programming course...laughter...
"Do HER again...please, please, HER entering a room...go on, go on, do HER entering a room..."
...and DALDRY would walk out of the room...we would wait in anticipation...he would then do:
"RIMINGTON walking into a room"
A more classic piece of comedy - I have yet to see...
Friday morning…I woke up at about 7 am - looked out of the window…it was still dark…and saw that flat across the street, behind the church…lit up again…but this time, the light was bluish and pale…a normal light rather than the previous harsh light, which had been used to cast shadows in the room…
Yes, the ‘black sheet’ was still on the right-hand side of the wall in that room - but that was all which was visible.
Did this tie in with THE TEMPEST quote from yesterday - about all of the ghosts, shadows and shades disappearing?
Anyway, last night I remembered being back in that room - QUEEN ELIZABETH’s room in the TEMPLAR CASTLE. The upstairs room where I had been tied to a chair and tortured by her various servants/slaves who were the CARD system…DALDRY was a ‘joker’ in the pack (the only one who was really conscious of what he was doing and trying not to harm me).
After each PLAYING CARD had done their worst so to speak…MARK R turned up at some point…he then asked me to pick my ‘disciples’. Yes, I had to pick 12 people who would be ‘on my side’ during this ILL CULT game.
Having seen so much horror at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and knowing that my friends and family would be useless against the ILL CULT in general - I decided to ‘think big’.
I started off with “GEORGE BUSH”
MARK R took me seriously - he replied:
“If you really want the power behind the throne - that is CONDOLEEZA RICE.”
So I said, “okay CONDOLEEZA RICE then“.
I kept on thinking up ‘big names’…MARK R told me to watch it…once I had named the KING OF SAUDI ARABIA…and so after adding him to my list - I then went down a notch or two…and named MACDONALD and SWISS CONTROLLER…although in terms of ability and ‘can do’ skills…these two were quite phenomenal…
SWISS CONTROLLER was then to save my life…otherwise TOMLINSON would have broken my neck upon PETER BRUFF ward…
MARK R asked me if I knew who would be my JUDAS out of the lot of them and I immediately replied TOMLINSON…so I must have seen what he would do to me, at some point.
Who else did I add? Naturally OBAMA and AMADEUS…
MARK R replied ‘OH, everybody chooses him” in relation to AMADEUS - and with good reason, I would have thought.
MARK R reminded me that in the MA JONG game - I would have to choose somebody to ‘pair off’ with a ROYAL and so I chose KATE MIDDLETON as another member of the ‘disciples’.
I also asked for PUTIN - but MARK R told me that he would be ‘inimical’…he would work against the others - so I dropped that one.
MARK R was beginning to like the list more and more…I could see it…so when I got to the end and asked for ‘john waters’ and also himself…if he would like to add his name to the list…he then began to call it the ‘DREAM TEAM’…his dream-team…
In retrospect, I can see that PUTIN would have worked against this ‘dream-team’…that was his nature. This was precisely what he had done against the ROYALS and those who were running them - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE. However, once ‘outside’ of the ‘dream-team’…he would naturally want to join…and would help us…which is effectively what then happened. He invited me to MOSCOW and showed me SAINT BASIL’s…in an attempt to get me to remember what had happened there…he also helped GEORGE BUSH in relation to the ‘paramilitary bases’ in the mountains.
Afterwards, AMADEUS came in and told me to think of this ‘dream-team’ as a ROSARY…MARK R had strung together the ‘beads’…
I suppose what he meant was that MARK R had connected them all up - to form a sort of INTRANET of microchipped, telepathic people…who would then effectively blow the top off the ILL CULT.
You can see the length and breadth of power, knowledge and ‘can do’ incorporated within such a network…and how if this group wanted something exposed…they had the means to get the information out…and so it all came out…
The SS CIA colour-coded bases…NASA…the space station…the ‘satellite pods’…GALILEO ‘people-controller‘…the TITANIC…’moon base’…
MACDONALD then arranged a tight chronology of LINKS upon the internet (and elsewhere) which I was to follow…in order to be the ‘story-teller’…to draw the threads/links together - of what the ‘disciples’ had done.
I might add that I also chose EVELYN yes, I even picked 'Mr Satan' to be on the dream-team...I must have seen something 'good' about him...anyway, there were no holds barred...I could choose just about anybody.
...and no, he didn't blow his brains out...I was 'watching' through PRINCE WILLIAM's eyes when he had been told to shoot himself and he resisted it...the ROYALS were not as powerful as the 'dream-team' and this was borne out, time and time again... what happened in relation to the DREAM-TEAM?
i suppose that they set to work exposing everything that they didn't want or like about the ILL CULT and ILL CULT plans for the future.
That meant understanding what all of the SS departments were up to...finding out what SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY was being used...and then taking steps to circumvent whatever had been planned.
As a matter of course, they had all been put under mind control themselves...from CONDOLEEZA RICE to the KING OF SAUDI naturally they wanted to find out who their uber-prgrammers were...
...OBAMA was to tell me that they were 'certain families' down the coast of NORTH AFRICA but he didn't name them...
Looking back upon this now - one can see that NIGERIAN/LEBANESE businessman ELI CALIL who was running MR MANN...could easily have been one of them...
I also wonder about CUERVEBRILLANTE's comment upon TOMLINSON's blogspot in relation to MOHAMMED EL FAYID...who is, EGYPT is northern African country, isn't it?
CUERVEBRILLANTE told us all to do a HUMPTY DUMPTY and think of something really impossible...such as EL FAYD being behind the plot to murder LADY DIANA and his son DODI...
So who are we looking at...which families? I suppose they could be anybody but the JESUIT influence will be strong...because they continued the obscene 'christ baby' cannibal cult...
i now know why ETI was such a prominent ILL CULT figure...and why he was in cahoots with TOMLINSON (both were working against me)...ETI was from the upper-class family...a public school boy...
MR TOM the cat, aka TOMLINSON's son...was actually a 'gift' from the KING OF SAUDI ARABIA...those who were the strongest I am sorry about the 'evil kitties' business...that must have been in the past...before the revelation of the 'christ baby' cannibalism of the ILL CULT.
OBAMA and his people studied the TEMPLAR CASTLE tapes and observed that 'George Osborne' appeared to be particularly relation to having the others under mind control...
They even exposed the GREEN ROOM of bankers...
What can I say about RIMINGTON?
The PRINCES had tortured her yet again - drowning her so many times - in a mental health unit in order to get her 'back under control'...she told me so as we walked past this house it WEST AVENUE...there is also a perinatal clinic attached...
RIMINGTON was TITANIA to OBERON...yet she fell for an in TOMLINSON.
I know what that means now:
A new email from COMPUCOVER this morning:
Flag this message
Thursday, 26 November, 2009 16:31From: "Samantha Holland" < >Add sender to ContactsTo: "emily gyde" < >
I have written the cheque for you, unfortunately I am not able to get this signed by a director until Monday, so apologies for this delay.
Regards Samantha
Samantha Holland
Administration Manager
Summit Insurance Services Ltd
The Robbins Building
Albert Street
CV21 2SD
Tel: 01788 563100
Fax: 01788 563123
This is odd - because the DIRECTOR didn't sign the last cheque for £37.
Nobody signed the last cheque.
I mean - you couldn't tell who had signed it...because no name was printed below.
Is the £37 cheque a real cheque or a bogus one?
Will I get into trouble if I try to cash either of them?
Surely not...I was sent those cheques in 'good faith' from COMPUCOVER and I have all of my email correspondence to cover me...if this is a case of fraud...then I am the victim of it.
I mean that - once I receive the second cheque after MONDAY...and have both cheques in my possession...I will put them into my bank account (good job that I have still got one).
This is all getting a bit weird, isn't it?
More ILL mail in my SPAM box:
Anna Mikk URGENT REPLY PLEASE Thu, 26/11/09 10KB
Last night I remembered what MARK R had done to me - in relation to stealing my money for the ILL CULT.
He told me that I had had a 'past life' as a miserly old woman...he had called me a SCROOGE...he guided me through a visualisation of this past life...
This woman had apparently had a large family - with whom she was no longer in contact...her husband had died...she lived alone...virtually no contact with the outside world...and she watched the pennies...the house wasn't a large one...just a small house down a sort of 'victoriana row'...
It was all a LIE.
Looking back on all of this now - I have known...since I was born - that this is the first time that I have ever reincarnated as a woman...and it has been a difficult time for me, in this way...
The ILL CULT were really trying to piss around with my mind...
Even DABYDEEN was fed crap to then feed on to 1991 and it was about genealogy...about a DWARF called EMILY GYDE...who had emigrated to the USA...her records and photograph were 'found' upon STATEN ISLAND records...
In retrospect...and knowing that the SAS found the DRAGON'S EGG as well as the 'invisibility material' upon a military base upon STATEN wonders how true, any of those so-called records are...
So when MARK R got hold of me that XMAS (see previous notes about our forays around BUCKINGHAM PALACE and the LSE) and told me that we were the ghosts of XMAS past/present/future...he later amended that one to 'you are SCROOGE and therefore the fact that we have stolen all of your money in this life is 'karmic justice' - ha, ha, ha...'
i remember talking to JACQUI CARROLL about the 'old woman scrooge' in that house...
She had also been told about it...and she had little sympathy with me - she obviously believed the crap being spun...
For my own part...all I could see was the Victorian house...and a shadowy version of a woman...I wasn't looking through her eyes...I had no 'empathy' with this figure at simply wasn't was an implanted visualisation...and it must have annoyed me because I didn't make any effort to make it 'real'...that is why it was all shadowy and peculiar.
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